tastazardo Sigh.....I have the same issue on my P7P.
Aurora is working on something as they've had a new nightly build each day for the last couple of weeks.

I'm just going to wait it out.

  • [deleted]

  • Edited

tastazardo Set up Aurora Store to open Play Store links in its "app info" settings. Then find the google play link of the app of your interest in Vanadium and tap on it. It should open in Aurora. Make sure you open new session beforehand to prevent "Failed to fetch app info" message. It just works and this is how I use it. btw this will work even on old stable 4.1.1 release.

    Dang, Sarge [deleted] !

    A Vanadium click opens up an Aurora Store page!?

    It works; and it is scary! I'll install the google play link; get my Aurora page; install; and promptly remove that link (what..... me paranoid) 'til I can understand what's happening.

      Ok, so the open Google play links seemed to work for a while... it's now saying "Failed to fetch app details" when Aurora opens links.

        Thanks, matchboxbananasynergy !
        Makes sense!
        Err... is there any tool other than adb that I can use to view/audit established app links?
        Does this feature present an opportunity for mischief?

        • [deleted]

        As of this moment, I am able to search Aurora Store (v4.1.1, P6).
        Hopefully this is replicable for others.

        Thank-you to those who patched the search issue - it's been a while.

        Me too on 4.2.2..but there is ntothing done by Aurora..maybe google devided to let us play as in the past..😜 Let us see if this is persistent...

        [deleted] The option in Aurora Store to Open Supported Links is greyed out for me. I can see the links when I press Add Link, just can't select them.

        Why would this be? Am confused.

          10 days later

          Well, "fingers crossed" Aurora seems to be working for me as of a couple of days ago. I've done nothing special, all of the workarounds suggested failed (or I failed). But yesterday is loaded and I was able to access normally. Just one time since I got the old error message, but a reboot of the phone got it working again.

          Let's hope it is mended, it really is a pain.

          Forget what I said, it's gone AWOL again. drats!!!

          The Store loads for me, but it doesn't allow me to do anything else.

          10 days later

          I have AuroraStore installed, and configured to open all play/market links, and I disallowed Google Play from handling links. And yet, when I try to open a link in an app, Play Store opens. It's infuriating. What can I do?

            cannot help wondering if Google has something to do with the trouble with Aurora, but that might just be a conspiracy theory.

              VAULT you can set the link configuration on aurora to open playstore links and disable the same on playstore(app) in that way you can install apps easly

              not sure if anyone else is seeing this but now even searching for appname play store and opening the link in external app (aurora) isn't pulling up the app in question to download.