Can you restart the device and when you do so grab a bug report:


Then open an issue:

State you have the report and ask where/who to submit it to.

Then link to the issue here so that if anyone else turns up with the same issue across our portals they can find their way there.

As we haven't seen or heard anyone else with the issue during internal testing and during the alpha/beta staged release process for now it seems isolated. However doing the above will hopefully shed light on the problem and possible resolution.

Do you have the eSIM activation toggle enabled or no?

    GrapheneOS So, the toggle of the SIM is dsabled and can't be enabled. Behavioe does not change, when I install play services and and enable privileged eSIM management. In both cases the error message is "Can't disable carrier".

    Fulgrim I have no idea if related or not, but recently I noticed "" is disabled on my phone. I know this package is used with esim. Is this package disabled on your phone?

      mrtoo On my phone. I can't find, but the following three packages:


        Fulgrim I have those three as well, all enabled. P4a. Now I am curious if you should have

        First, thank you to @muhomorr who took the time to look into the log files from my phone.

        He analyzed the logs an things, that this is an upstream bug, where also users of the stock Andoird are affected. It seems, that the updates breaks compatibily with eSIMS where T-Mobile or Google Fi eSIMS are installed (or in my case, an eSIM for German Telekom).

        Some update:

        I reverted the Phone to Stock OS, but this also didn't help. Then I found this Thread here in German:

        (I should do more research in my language :-D)

        Several customers of Deutsche Telekom (largest carrier here in Germany) that had a Pixel 6a were affected. The problems occured there in August and September 2022. It seems that in case the eSIM does have a profile from Deutsche Telekom and an update from Android 12 to Android 13 happen (which includes an update of the eSIM Firmware) bricks the eSIM forever. According to information in the thread, Google replaces these phones.

        I think I was not affected in the past, as GrapheneOS did not ship firmware updates of the eSIM prior to 2023040400. It seems to work well, when the firmware update happens when no Deutsche Telekom profile is installed and when the profile is put on the eSIM afterwards.

        Overall something that makes me thoughful about realibity of modern tech. I mean, how can it be, that installing the official firmware image to the eSIM module just bricks the chip when the eSIM profile of a large european carrier is installed there? It is not GrapheneOS projects fault, as they only forward the firmware blob.

          Fulgrim Overall something that makes me thoughful about realibity of modern tech. I mean, how can it be, that installing the official firmware image to the eSIM module just bricks the chip when the eSIM profile of a large european carrier is installed there? It is not GrapheneOS projects fault, as they only forward the firmware blob.

          Wow. Indeed.

          Thanks for taking the time to report back!

          Has Google agreed to replace your phone?

          Fulgrim Thank you for taking the time to update us on this. I guess I'll mark this issue as solved, as there's nothing for GrapheneOS to do here. As far as we're concerned, it's done everything properly.

          I do hope you are able to return your phone or otherwise resolve the issue.

          As a last resort, I would recommend checking with your carrier if they can reprovision your eSIM, and if they can, then delete it and reprovision it.

          If that does nothing, it looks like returning it might be your last option. If you manage to resolve it without returning the device, please let us know so that we can help others in the future!