No roaming calls
I am on travel atm and experiencing this. No calls can be called and no calls can be received.
I have set wifi calling on, with settings call through wifi, setting for roaming is set to wifi also.
4g calls on
Recommended network type to 5g
What can be done?
Nothing wrong with simcard. If i put the sim into an iPhone all calls can be made.
I van only second that. Last weekend is was on a trip in the Czech Republic and could not call anymore nor receive them.
WiFi calling is on
Preferred Type 5 G
VoLTE is on
Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance.
@Cobalt4581 @r3tr0 are you running a VPN out of curiosity? If so, do you have the "Always on..." & "block connections without VPN" settings set? Also, what about "allow 2G"? I've had some similar issues here in the states and thought that allowing 2G (previously had it off) had helped, but seemed to still have issues. I've adopted you guys settings end of last week and was going to test by turning off my VPN (obviously don't want to increase attack surface by allowing 2G, dropping VPN, allowing 5G instead of sticking w/ LTE-only, etc.) but was going to do that to troubleshoot some more before claiming a hardware issue and getting Google to replace/troubleshoot it. Good luck and would be curious if either of these are in play for you or help you out.
I've raised it on github as an issue but was closed instantly with reason
"No indication of any GrapheneOS specific issue"
Have no VPN on, never installed it.
I do not have 2G enabled but tried enable it also, no luck either. I've tried all possible combinations also. No luck and no calls can be made nor received.
VoLTE seems to be a more difficult service to be implemented in roaming conditions. Since most cell carries prefer to have their own way of implementing it, making it seamless in between carries can be quite a daunting challenge. So carriers avoid leveraging this whilst roaming.
The only exception I can see is the US. Since you have no other choice, but to connect to their 4G and 5G infrastructure. In Europe it's not the case. 2G will stay for a long time, up till 2030 probably.
As a side note, you could try turning off Wi-Fi calling whilst abroad. You may be surprised to know that this can actually interfere with your service while enjoying your vacation abroad. Your cell carries may think you're still at home, and charge you more than what you might expect, especially if you're connected to a VPN with its endpoint in your home country.
Second, as some people stated above on the topic, avoid 4G/LTE only mode. Normal calls would still require 3G or 2G anyway, and there's quite nothing we can do about it. You could use Internet calls (Signal) to avoid such downgrade though, but I don't know how affordable roaming costs would be for any of you, so beware.
And lastly, make sure you actually have roaming service from your carrier. Perhaps that would have been the cause of having no service at all?
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I am currently travelling and I have experienced roaming issues when first visiting Peru and then Vietnam. While in transit in Amsterdam my phones started working again. Neither voice or data are working. Now in Vietnam and it is not working.
I tried picking manual network but without success.
As I am a frequent traveller this kind of a dealbreaker for me and I would hate going back to Google spy-os.
Using Pixel 8 Pro, and the latest updates (stable). Please let me know if I can submit some logs for the devs to have a look at.
Thanks in advance
I have posted this issue on GH as well
fArGo1911 maybe you can try this?
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other8026 Unfortunately that didn't work.
UPDATE: On my way back to Europe I had a stopover in Thailand and roaming started working again.
I will reach out to my provider (EE, UK) and discuss with their technical support. I will keep updating this thread if I have anything relevant to share.