By the way, the feature of calling emergency services by pressing the power button five times repeatedly does work. At least it did for me. I'm located in Norway.

Just an FYI if people didn't know this. I know it's not a replacement for the Personal Safety app?

Did anyone open a Github issue about this?

    My family recently had in incident where a loved one inadvertently triggered the SOS and then turned off the phone before a location could be sent. Obviously the situation got me thinking.
    My compromise was to set up the emergency functionality on my Garmin watch. That way its there but I control it.

    Relaks Does it ask for some dialing to be redirected to the good sub-team or you get straight to someone listnening, even without speaking to the agent at first?

    edit : Also, were play services running on the profile emiting the sos ? To know whether it's needed or not

      graphenediscoverer4 It wasn't emitting any SOS. I accidentally pressed the power button five times and a call was initiated with an English voice telling me I would be redirected to the emergency services shortly. I hung up before it actually did. Location: Norway. Google Personal Safety on PixelOS in Norwegian is by default set to 112 (police). I had not nor installed Google Personal Safety before. I was using GrapheneOS. That's all I know.

      I will likely be calling the emergency services manually during an emergency so that I can reach the correct number without having to be redirected.

      I live in an area of the country where I know for sure that the operators get an immediate fix on my location if I have to call the emergency services. This has been part of my work so I know this for sure. I don't how the situation is in other countries. I do not have any friends so wouldn't benefit from GPS sharing from my phone.

      This is my personal reflection so please do not take this as me arguing against you using the Personal Safety app. I'm seeing some threads already on this topic so it might be worth opening a Github issue as a feature request. I'm not sure how much work would need to be put into this from the developers' side, if they deem it as a feature they see as relevant to implement.

        Relaks I had not nor installed Google Personal Safety before. I was using GrapheneOS. That's all I know.

        Thank you! I just wanted to know whether the sandboxed play services (you know the app downloaded from the gOS app-base called "Apps") were running on the current profile or not. I'm afraid that a userprofile needs it to be able to emit an SOS..

        Also was the current profile using english language in its settings at that time ? To know whether the english voice is part of AOSP, or part of some google services being the intermediary between enduser and local-speaking emergency services...

          graphenediscoverer4 I'm pretty sure I had the system language set to English US. But I'm not going to test it with a different system language, in case I'm unable to abort it before I'm redirected to the emergency services. 😊

          This is a bit of a side-track, but I just realized I can change the emergency phone number by going to Android settings > Safety & emergency > Call for help. I thought it was only doable with the Personal Safety app. I feel so stupid now.

            4 months later

            It needs android.permission.MODIFY_PHONE_STATE which can only be granted to system apps.
            +1 from me for making this app work though.

            5 months later

            Has there been any progress on either making the Google safety app compatible with grapheneOS, or developing an alternative?

            21 days later

            Google -in response to Apple- brought Satelite SOS to the Pixel 9;
            Since no additional hardware is needed, 3GPP sounds like a regular BTS in space, that clearly has a more passive initialisation than regular networks. And these satelites pass communication to other satelites (which is a necessity at low orbit - since planet earth will come between you an the orbiting satelite).

            Although initially available in North America only, this sounds like an interresting feature, although I'm not that often on top of lonely mountains without any coverage. Still, hiding in a closeth during a hostage-taking at the Apple-store in Amsterdam, unable to dial 112, is a not too hypotetical scenario you would wish to have this feature.

            • de0u replied to this.

              unicycle Still, hiding in a closeth during a hostage-taking at the Apple-store in Amsterdam, unable to dial 112, is a not too hypotetical scenario you would wish to have this feature.

              So far the satellite-to-cellular-device systems require pretty good sky access. So unless the closet is on the top floor of a building with a thin roof it's not clear this would help.