
  • Jul 21, 2024
  • Joined Jan 30, 2024
  • spl4tt Can't you just automate to turn on location services automatically in the car, and when you get out, turn it off? I mean, apps can't get your location when location services / gps is turned off, right? :P No need for removing permissions

    I guess he could use tasker to trigger location tile, whenever the user manually triggers BT tile, and that the phone pairs with car speakers,
    but as for turning off location automatically, I'm very surprised gOS / AOSP didn't include the feature, since they already provided the feature to turn off wifi / BT automatically (that used to be popularized by tasker back in the days)

    A guy requested the feature to the devs already here : https://discuss.grapheneos.org/d/5867-security-feature-wish-list , along with cellular network access (i.e airplane mode) automatic turning off after N minutes, iirc.

  • Latest build feb 2024 android14

    To get the workspace tidy I like to sort in folders the tools that user won't need on a regular basis, and or rename these apps with the task they're aimed at doing (e.g video editing, since google photo can't do more than trimming a video, like doodling in some frames for instance). Therefore a 3rd party launcher is needed.

    But I can't use (at full extent) any 3rd party launchers because most of them ask me to grant them notification access
    Settings > Device & app notifications > Toggler
    When trying enabling, gOS/AOSP pops the error "Restricted setting For your security, this setting is currently unavailable"

    I personally don't mind giving them access to notifications as long as I restrict them from accessing network at install time (even though I won't be able to use, e.g, their provided widget to display latest e-mails without sending any request back to the servers of it being read already)

    • de0u replied to this.
    • gOS latest build feb 2024 A14
      Settings > apps > default apps

      Why are there only 4 apps, and we can't choose default app for replacing the provided Files app and Gallery app and Camera app ? I believe we can in every other OSes

      Because then, at each thumbdrive plug, the notification button "Explore" opens provided Files instead of my preferred filebrowser. (Files is dumb enough when ordering to move a file, say on a folder next to it within the current folder, to bring back the user all the way down to default "root"folder, and one has to dig in many folders to get back to where the file was)
      And then the lockscreen bottom shortcut links to provided Camera app.
      And then the provided Camera app, which remains convenient for

      • not prefixing the output files with PXL_
      • removing the metadatas by design
      • for a use on any profile willing to upload somewhere and not dedicated to pure photography

      cannot links to my preferred gallerybrowser

    • For long recordings stored on the phone, I just want what I call a "thumbnail-timeline" : below the video content, the video player displays some frames, for me to slide left/right, to get to the interesting moment quicker.

      gOS-provided gallery doesn't provide it. Stock pixel OS provided it, so I installed Google Photos (v6.70) on gOS but it didn't provide it. Someone from the matrix room/discord tchat told me to add Pixel Camera app (= stock app)... v8.1 does work with a p4a5g, but anyway the thumbnail-timeline isn't there.

      So I installed the MiUI gallery, working on any non-root AOSP variant. Actually their latest (what comes after MiUI14) = HyperOS (no MiUI15 continuation) gallery, but it's the same stuff with few improvements.
      Upon installing the editor app and mivideo app that are bundled with MiUI14 gallery, I obtain the feature I want. Good.

      Now a new feature brought by HyperOS gallery app (and copied from iOS), is the ability to hold on the text of a still picture/screenshot, and it'll select the text, ready to copy-paste. E.g watch?v=MFSRrtJ_yRA or watch?v=7U5pYC-BSp4 .
      TL;DR : But trying so, the app prompts me to allow it to do native debugging, which I do, and then re-trying so, it crashes, with error : Abort message: 'open_executor.cc:237 Check failed: !all_platforms.empty() No OpenCL platforms found'
      For test purpose I gave these 3 apps full permissions, even network (phone is offline anyway), even though I doubt the OCR ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Optical_character_recognition ) is done online...

      Am I missing something about that gOS settings area, about native debugging (which I understood nothing tbh) ?

    • For, e.g, handing out a dozen of phones to a family,
      Is there a way to backup the whole OS with all its profiles ? As the install jumps from the bootloader to the OS installed, without some recovery like TWRP in between. I don't mind temporarily unlocking the bootloader

      • Carlos-Anso I see thank you, I will start thinking about this dimension, but still would be happy to know the working version if someone can read it

      • Carlos-Anso At least my dolphin (linux computerr) 2020 wasn't able to see anything from the stick. Windows file explorer could see the hidden folder and some trash-generated folder by the stick I guess, but wasn't able to dive in / copy it / measure its size.

        Maybe it's accessible from the android device, I didn't try

        • There are apps that I just want to be working stable and never ever update them, so I don't tie them to any appstore (kind of how provided stock apps are most of the time, in fact). However sideloading any version to this phone doesn't work, I tried a dozen already.
          If someone happened to be able to look over what version the playstore previously served to a p4a5G...
          To do so,
          Hold on the camera app icon > App info > scrolldown >
          I need you guys to tell me the version and versionCode that works for p4a5G please?

          • Murcielago thank you very much ! I'm lucky I don't have a bunch of end subfolders though, that's for what introducing such feature would be useful

            I see this scenario very probable when it comes to Albums within DCIM/Pictures/Camera/Videos, many can add up with time

          • gOS 20240126

            g Photos v6.70 worked

            now I'm stuck finding a version of pixel camera that would work on p4a5g

          • solved :

            • general : needed to switch seedvault settings to aim at backing up to the phone internals, and then it stopped sensing the stick at each new plug
            • p4a5g : apparently the way it formats sticks doesn't suit debian 2020 distros, had to reformat with $ sudo mkfs.vfat /dev/sdX from within the computer
            • Also, despite having re-formated the stick within gOS, each time I replug it, seedvault launches a backup/notification. I tried Settings > System > Backup > to untoggle the Automatic Restore, but it doesn't care.
              So either some blocks are written for life by seedvault and resisting to formattings, either each time I connect the stick (any stick?) seedvault senses it and start screwing it ?

            • latest build A14 feb 2024
              unsecure outdated unsupported p4a5g device

              I formated a stick from within gOS, made a seedvault backup. But now that I insert the stick in a linux machine, it's not detected, I can mount it, properties retrieve its storage size and type vfat, but no elements are displayed in the filebrowser. So I eject and plug it in another windows machine, this time windows10 can see it (fat32) with the .SeedvaultAndroidBackup folder but I can't copy it to the windows internal storage, and properties say that the seedvault folder = 0 Bytes...

              Can someone reproduce ?

              EDIT : or does seedvault screw up the whole stick by encrypting the backup ? And the backup can only live on that stick afterwards, until next import?

              • Eagle_Owl In another thread of this great forum I read about no need for Google Play Services, when using GCam.
                This needs a GrapheneOS update from April 2023.
                I have tested it by installing GCam w/o permission for internet on my owner profile.
                And because GCam needs Photos app as preview (!), have also installed Photos app w/o permission for internet.

                Conclusion: works fine! GCam and Photos on owner profile with storage scope path: Main storage/DCM/Camera.

                I just tried to sideload Google Photos but it complains :

                "Operation completed with errors

                Google Photos_6.68.0.600535764.xapk



                Failed to extract native libraries, res=-113

                2 App not installed"

                (latest build feb 2024 android14)

                May I ask from where you installed it ? Aurora ? May I ask app version that works with which build release?

                • de0u replied to this.
                • [feature request] latest build feb 2024 A14
                  (context : I'm installing a 3rd party gallery app, because provided one doesn't create some thumbnails-timeline to drag on in order to get to that one moment of the video that I'm interested in.)

                  It would be good, when entering the folder to give to the scope of an app (that requires storage permission), to, either :

                  • be able to select several subfolders and then click "see these folder"
                  • or the other way around select just few subfolders and click on a button that would be called something like "scope will have access to everything inside current folder except these selected subfolders"