
  • Dec 31, 2024
  • Joined Nov 25, 2024
  • Can make iPhone produce smoke signals.

  • fid02:

    What makes you think that it indicates that?

    Since normal phones don't offer that by default, seeing such is a flag that the user took care about security.

    Or look at it the opposite approach: when there is an normal (unscrambled) PIN pad, I would deem the existance of a duress PIN less likely.

    Or in other words, I wish to not wake a sleeping dog, and have it look average and normal. Not special.

  • Having a scrambled PIN pad also indicates the possible existance of a Duress PIN,
    which likely prevents the desired initiation of the task it was designed for.

    IMHO a solution would be a prefix of say 2 or 3 or more digit's before the keypad becomes scrambled.
    And at that point I guess it would be wise to monitor excessive (ab)use of the backspace key - and act on that.

    • Amazing that feature-requests are already released before I even submitted it...
      Having a prompt for a fingerprint already indicated "they" should look for your fingerprint.

      Now the only wish I still have is a unscrambled pin-prefix of 2 or 3 or more digits, before the rest of the pin is scrambled.
      Reason I wish this is because now a scrambled PIN pad indicates the phone could have a Duress PIN
      (which likely prevents it from doing it's task when needed).

    • Google -in response to Apple- brought Satelite SOS to the Pixel 9;
      Since no additional hardware is needed, 3GPP sounds like a regular BTS in space, that clearly has a more passive initialisation than regular networks. And these satelites pass communication to other satelites (which is a necessity at low orbit - since planet earth will come between you an the orbiting satelite).

      Although initially available in North America only, this sounds like an interresting feature, although I'm not that often on top of lonely mountains without any coverage. Still, hiding in a closeth during a hostage-taking at the Apple-store in Amsterdam, unable to dial 112, is a not too hypotetical scenario you would wish to have this feature.

      • de0u replied to this.