I hope this doesn't come off as patronizing. For all I know, you are Mitnick-meets-007...or quite simply, more adept than I within the realm of OpSec. But it bears repeating that not GOS -- nor any other security tool -- can/will protect you from a persistent adversary. If someone is stalking you, the solution is far from upgrading your tablet (assuming physical stalking).
Of course you know this. Still, we see many folks become hyper-fixated on thwarting ubiquitous bad-actors; consumed with ideals and concepts that are often impossible to achieve (Tbf, network security is like, the mother of all rabbit-holes too, tho.)
No doubt, the peace of mind alone achieved from using such an effective tool as GOS is noticably beneficial from day one. But you'll never truly appreciate this if you are burdened with persistent doubt. And again...maybe you aren't.
Are you? If you feel like sharing, I can try to help. Either way, I hope that you can remove this person's negative influence en totale and when you do, I hope that you have the wherwithal to compartmentalize any doubt back where it belongs and enjoy living your life! ;)