GrapheneOS So wait, hold on… when you say use the networks DNS, is the network the vpn?
Aka I should use mullvad’s dns if I’m on mullvad vpn?
What is the recommended way to block ads? Or is “filtering traffic” different from blocking ads?
Because blocking ads is practically a requirement to effectively browse the internet nowadays, and I’ve had experiences with websites running ads that hijack the site somehow and cause redirects without me clicking on any ads. Which is pretty spooky, if you ask me, because even if I only go to trustworthy websites, I have kinda no way to know what ad networks they use to pay their bills, and even if I did, I also have no way of knowing what ads that network will run - aka there’s kinda no way to know whether or not a website is trustworthy - so if I can’t trust any website, I /have/ to put up defenses. So… blocking ads, right?