• General
  • Welcome to the GrapheneOS discussion forum!

You can receive emails when there are new posts in threads you follow and you can enable automatically following threads where you post in your settings. There isn't currently a way to get an RSS/atom feed. We could add an extension for it but we don't plan on adding third party extensions in the near future. We want to see how things go with the baseline configuration and decide which features are worth adding via extensions in the future when we have more experience with it.

Hello, I have a Pixel 6 and want to install Graphene yet I could use some input on the how to. I purchased the phone from BestBuy and it's a Verizon phone. Do I first need to call them to unlock it? Any input/help is greatly appreciated. I really want to get this OS installed. Thanks.

    Shazam It's unlikely that you'll be able to unlock a Verizon phone. I would recommend returning it and buying one that's not locked. The Google store is your best bet here.

    admin unstickied the discussion .
    9 days later

    What a pleasure to sore eyes this forum looks like - to me it's a very nice fit with GrapheneOS itself. Thanks a million (!!) for both to everybody involved there is absolutely nothing like it. I was rather reluctant, but when a very good and very competent friend of mine sang the praise of his new GrapheneOS-phone, I started to study GrapheneOS.org. Finally, when he said "You can beat them by utilizing their very own stuff" that nailed it. I bought a brand new Google Pixel4a and converted it to my own GrapheneOS-pix4a - that was a good 1 and a half years ago. It's my main phone ever since and I'm constantly blown away by the upkeep you guys deliver. It's truely fantastic. Thank you so very much!

    You can tell I'm a big fan and as such I went and bought 2 Pix6 and last night kinda bricked my 'kinda coral' but never touched my 'sorta seafoam' yet.
    I dearly need some help. As a noob here, I want to do it the correct way: Should I start a new thread, or how should I go about it?
    Thanks again.

    Hello all,

    Great job on this discussion forum. Is this intended to be an eventual replacement for the Matrix community, or just an additional place to discuss GrapheneOS?


      • [deleted]

      moogway It doesn't intend to replace or deprecate our Matrix community. It's just an alternative.

      tmp I had to search the forum to try and find this answer, but alas, it is not supported by the forum. +1 to hoping a dark mode is added here in the future.

        2 months later

        I'm not a programmer and I don't know this software in depth, but maybe it's worth taking a look at the flat-file forum engine, completely without database? Here https://flatboard.org
        I thought about this after the recent MariaDB problem announcement.

        17 days later
        3 months later

        I'm a new user of GOS and the forum. I can't figure out how to create a new Discussion thread. When I type my post and hit the Post Discussion button it brings up the choose tags popup, but after I chose a tag tag, the OK button on the Add tags pop up is disabled and I can't continue because a tag is seems to be required. I'm nunning Manjaro Linux and tried posting with Chrome and Firefox and neither worked. Help please.

          PPC It's mandatory to choose a primary tag from the primary tag section. You can also add up to a certain number of secondary tags. You can think of primary tags as traditional forum sections and it needs exactly 1.

          • PPC replied to this.
            a month later
            a year later
            admin locked the discussion .