just here to tell you GOS devs that you are true saints and this is such a fantastic project! i've tried [other OSes] before this and there is simply no comparison. thank you, thank you, thank you!

I can confirm that. fingerprint takes a long time and sometimes doesn't even register at all. phone and screen are in mint condition btw.

mod note: modified the mention of another OS to avoid others discussing it

    umbrin688 what device do you use. I use a 8a with 2nd factor Pin. Figerprint working as usuall

    Thank you! using pixel 8 pro.

    4x5 grid feedback: Apps in the folder are limited to 3x3, while in the 4x4 grid, 4x4 is allowed. Not sure if this is a Pixel thing, but 2x1 and 2x2 widgets are unusable.

    I appreciate the hard work to get this implemented, and I'm curious if the normal size icons will also be implemented to the 4x4 grid size, since that's the only grid size that has a usable widget size.

    Lovely, very appreciated, thank you team

    The icons in my launcher have got bigger, what have you been feeding them? In any case, thumbs up.

      DeletedUser127 The icons in my launcher have got bigger, what have you been feeding them?


      Did you create a new profile? The default grid size seems to have been changed to 4x5, which matches stock Pixel OS.

      4x5 is the best non-security addition in a long time. Been longing for this. Thanks so much

      Anyone experiencing the rapid draining of battery after the update? My Pixel 8 Pro usually lost 12% of charge but since last Thu/Fri, it started to lose 40%, and the battery has only 17 cycles on it. I believe I had this before and another release/update fixed it.

        Yes, my Pixel phones 7 Pro, 8 Pro and 9 Pro XL also consume much more power as with older releases like 2025020500 or 2025020300.

        I hadn't changed anything on my devices except installing Threema Libre on the Pixel 7 Pro and Pixel 9 Pro XL (and migrating the shop version of Threema to the Libre version on the Pixel 8 Pro).

        That's when I noticed the increased energy consumption and thought it was due to the Threema app.
        However, I deleted it from the Pixel 9 Pro XL on 14 February and the energy consumption didn't change at all for the better after that!

        Facts as numbers:
        Before the update to release 2025021100, my Pixel 9 Pro XL loses 1% battery after 60–120 minutes in standby mode
        (very good mobile phone reception, w/o WiFi use).

        Since GrapheneOS Release 2025021100 has been installed, the Pixel 9 Pro XL loses 1% after 20–50 minutes standby!
        Usually 30 minutes, often only 20 minutes and sometimes 50 minutes.

        The usage behaviour has not changed. I have not used the devices more than before since updating to this latest version. I have also checked the mobile reception – there has been no deterioration in mobile reception in the meantime. The SIM card in the Pixel 9 Pro XL is still quite new from November 2024.

          Same Problem here with battery draining since last update... In WLAN use all is fine but without battery drains realy fast on my Pixel 8a

            Since update my notifications is taking up to 1 hour to show!
            Especially on Instagram in owner profile.

            fruitjammer I need to add that the 12% lost is overnight (I have quite a few unrestrictive apps running). I also noticed that the charging is very slow now, even on a fast charger, which is quite strange. This is after I did a full charge (in AccuBattery's term) out of suspicion that the battery might need a calibration.

            Now a completely different thing - when I tried to install F-Droid and AuroraStore's apk in private space, it wouldn't allow me, saying the package format is invalid. I was able to install it on a Pixel 7 though last year.

              fruitjammer Eagle_Owl phone-company mutualscorpion You're attributing something to an OS update which is almost certainly unrelated to it for 6th, 7th and 8th generation Pixels. 9th generation Pixels are the only ones with relevant changes. People will claim any update increased or decreased battery life. Your battery life variation has to do with your apps and network. Apps can use more power some days than others, same with the network. Doesn't make it related to when you last updated.

                fruitjammer Your power consumption increase is due to your apps and network, not the OS update.

                Now a completely different thing - when I tried to install F-Droid and AuroraStore's apk in private space, it wouldn't allow me, saying the package format is invalid. I was able to install it on a Pixel 7 though last year.

                This is also not related to the update. Your issue is that you're trying to install older or different variants of apps in another profile. Nothing to do with the update and not a bug in the OS. It's a bug in F-Droid. F-Droid wrongly reuses app ids for alternate variants of apps signed with their own keys which results in this usability issue. They also publish an old version of F-Droid as the main download link on their site. This is the tip of the iceberg of the major issues with F-Droid.

                  GrapheneOS OK, thanks for the explanation and please pardon my ignorance as an uninitialized end user. I will try to do something about the app battery usage.

                  GrapheneOS This is also not related to the update. Your issue is that you're trying to install older or different variants of apps in another profile. Nothing to do with the update and not a bug in the OS. It's a bug in F-Droid. F-Droid wrongly reuses app ids for alternate variants of apps signed with their own keys which results in this usability issue. They also publish an old version of F-Droid as the main download link on their site. This is the tip of the iceberg of the major issues with F-Droid.

                  Thanks again for the explanation. I was trying to find the old version of F-Droid but I wasn't able to (maybe I didn't try hard enough), so I just downloaded again from their main page and this time it worked. I guess they must have updated it but I don't have the previously downloaded one to compare.