Hey, I seek advise from fellow European Users, especially those with laws that make an anonym SIM card impossible:
-Which countries still have anonym SMS?
-Do you have experience with ordering?
-Did the SMS receiving work fine?
-- Are there problems with registering with a "Non-national" number?
-how about re-charging the SIM so the number doesn't get de-activated?
My issue is that i live in a certain country in the middle of the EU that forces by law an identification with ID for buying any kind of SIM.
Which i don't like out of principal and don't want to for practical reasons.
I want to use it for register to platforms that "require" a number for "security"-reasons - but I can't fathom why, don't trust to keep it actually private or even state in TOS it might will be given to advertiser.
So far my plan is buying an European SIM from a neighboring country via Amazon or eBay e.g. (around some corners of course) but I don't want to buy something that I can't use in the end. (Or get's deactivated after a month)