This write-up on Reddit totally crushes simplex. Thank you for posting it.
SimpleX Chat
spiral you don't seem to understand that this write up can be applied to any network enabled app and that all communication is encrypted. So I don't see it crushing anything.
[deleted] But SimpleX dev wrongly claims that SimpleX fixes this problem, which is bad.
Been using simplex from the very beginning, they push constant updates and improvements.
Only problem is you cannot establish phone calls on grapheneos for some unknown reason
I've been testing it for a few weeks now. So far, it has made a very good impression on me in terms of usability.
Is there a way to share "contacts" you have with others so they can be added by those? I cant find any public ID, link you can share. I can only share mine.
That seems odd, and also a major issue?
PMUSR Not possible since each connection is unique.
applesbana Odd and inconvenient.
Dangor applesbana
Maybe the problem is that SimpleX Chat seems to be using the installed WebView for the WebRTC video calls, see issue here:
Should support Android 7 at least. But no. One must have Android 8 or above to use it.
lodart already use it. The main downsides are:
- always on notification is not set by default, and if set drains battery significantly
- for a group, each member is a separate connection. So sending messages takes a lit of data and messages' order can't be guaranteed. (hopefully groupv2 fixes it)
- video and audio call UI looks clunky
- significantly eats data
MoonshineMidnight would this option to run messaging servers via Tor be sufficient? Basically proxy via Orbot on mobile...