Manky no, you will still be able to turn MTE on/off for 3rd party applications such as ProtonVPN, as normal. The change was regarding vendor/system processes only.

By the way, regarding ProtonVPN, I found if you change the protocol to OpenVPN UDP, it will work just fine with MTE enabled. There seems to be an issue with their Wiregaurd implementation or something.

    Just updated and everything works fine. Thanks again to the GrapheneOS team!

    For some reason all my brave pwa's were removed from my launcher (lawnchair) after the update. The Firefox ones stayed. Just wanted to report.

    Huge thanks to the amazing graphene team for another great update!

      huberto will be released tomorrow most likely. They are usually released first monday of each month unless that monday is a holiday then it will be released the following day, after the release it will take a few days for GrapheneOS devs to port all the fixes and release a new update so next update will likely have the may patch fixes.

      huberto It's usually like this. The GrapheneOS team publish a release full of features/patches/fixes very early in each month and then a few days later they publish a release with the monthly security patches. I think it's a clean way to do it, but I don't know the reasoning behind this release-pattern. Maybe the devs can explain a bit more?


      Last night while trying to watch a YouTube video in brave the page kept freezing had to keep bringing up the recent app screen to get it to unfreeze every few seconds . don't know if its brave or graphene .

        Skyway Make sure Brave is up to date. I saw another person was having issues with Brave a couple days ago and an update fixed their issue.

        cimborrio iirc wasn't this an aosp chromium issue on android? unsure if it was fixed recently, but i had a similar experience not too long ago with other chromium forks