huberto will be released tomorrow most likely. They are usually released first monday of each month unless that monday is a holiday then it will be released the following day, after the release it will take a few days for GrapheneOS devs to port all the fixes and release a new update so next update will likely have the may patch fixes.

huberto It's usually like this. The GrapheneOS team publish a release full of features/patches/fixes very early in each month and then a few days later they publish a release with the monthly security patches. I think it's a clean way to do it, but I don't know the reasoning behind this release-pattern. Maybe the devs can explain a bit more?


Last night while trying to watch a YouTube video in brave the page kept freezing had to keep bringing up the recent app screen to get it to unfreeze every few seconds . don't know if its brave or graphene .

    Skyway Make sure Brave is up to date. I saw another person was having issues with Brave a couple days ago and an update fixed their issue.

    cimborrio iirc wasn't this an aosp chromium issue on android? unsure if it was fixed recently, but i had a similar experience not too long ago with other chromium forks