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  • What feature/app do you use that the majority never talk about?

Murcielago Wormhole protocol is ๐Ÿ”ฅ works on any OS and between profiles.

Was using Wormhole William but just switched to Iyox for an app.

fid02 I have been messing with OT the past 3 days and it is/was an absolute PAIN to set up for just my one friend and I. Ton of headaches. BUT, that being said, it is now finally setup and working nicely.

    43t34fg4 Maybe you had an issue with the maps integration? I didn't get it to work, but I don't really need it.

      fid02 I have all the features working fine now, but at first I was trying to do it all in Docker on a Windows setup (literally had me editing the bootstrap.sh files and a bunch of other junk). Switched to Linux and it worked without issue. Probably spent 20+hrs trying to get the Docker stuff working but nope. Well, I had basic functionality with the Docker stuff but Linux got me everything.

        43t34fg4 Oh. I was assuming that you were running it on a GrapheneOS phone.

        Markor (F-Droid) - an open source markdown notes app that respects traditional file storage (no databases, etc.) and works great with Syncthing.

        Seal (F-Droid) - an open source audio/video downloader, based on yt-dlp, and featuring many configurable options. Seal works for loads of sites and apps (access it through the Share menu), and on individual files or entire playlists.

          FlipSid I don't understand? Are you recommending this site? It incidentally reports that Facebook contains 0 trackers...

            FlipSid I liked to use exodus as well (and still do within neo store) but it's very imperfect as it uses badness enumeration. There are many trackers it won't identify, so it's best used for first impressions only and never to be relied upon.

              Poweramp has completely swamped all other music apps with its versatility, flexibility and power-sipping. I am new to it yet it is teaching me things about music I didn't know. Runs on GOS with no issues found so far.

                N1b is there an alternative?

                • N1b replied to this.

                  UndercoverBozo Not sure if this fits the topic, but I really like the GOS built in DND. I've got my family and good friends tagged as favorites so their calls and messages come right through. I no longer have to deal with my phone ringing from rouge callers.

                  CIFS Document Provider allows mounting SMB, FTP, etc. (no NFS though, I dont think there is an option for NFS on Android) via Android's Storage Access Framework (SAF). This allows viewing network shares in the AOSP file manager which comes with GrapheneOS rather than another crappier file manager. The AOSP file manager is also used as the file picker for most apps, so it is also infinitely more useful than an alternate file manager in that respect. Ive had great luck with it so far, it really is far superior to any other method of accessing network shares.

                  Also Localsend for quickly transferring files to/from android and other devices over the network is really useful. Its a flutter app so the interface is very consistent and clean on all versions, and works a lot better than warpinator or other similar tools that ive tried.

                  Not really an android app, but better-adb-sync is also very useful on occasion for transferring large files quickly to a computer over a cable. As the name implies it uses adb for file transfer rather than mtp or any network protocol. It is very fast!

                  FlipSid not to my knowledge, but feel free to open a new thread about it and let the experts guide you.

                  Back to OP: I just realized InnerTune is missing on this list, I feel like nobody talks about this free and private Spotify replacement.

                  Also this Audio Recorder does exactly what I need and gets out of my way quickly.

                    App Manager.

                    Does so many wonderful things! Doesn't need root for most things, will back up and restore APKs, and external data. Will allow you to freeze apps, play with app ops for very fine grained permission control, and much more!

                    Murcielago What advantages does this have over sendvisee? As far as i could tell its basically the same thing except that sendvisee is open source and wormhole isnt.


                      Never heard of sendvisee, so I can't compare them. Thanks for the tip; I'll definitely give it a try.

                      except that sendvisee is open source and wormhole is not.

                      The Sorce code for the streaming encryption implementation, based on Encrypted Content-Encoding for HTTP (RFC 8188) is open source.

                      According to the FAQ, the complete client and server code may be made available as open source in the future.