Thank you all for sharing your experiences, very much appreciated.

Oggyo I've been with Lawnchair 14 Beta 2

Tried that release now too, but still the same issue, black screen now and then, and an exception in Launcher3.

Vagabond8630 Owner profile only, and changing the settings does not impact my setup

When I add a row/column to the home screen, or to the dock, for example, the complete home screen is reset and messed up. I'd say ok that this happen when removing a row (as there might not be enough space left), but adding one, or even add one more icon to the dock, that mess should not happen :-(

Vagabond8630 Also no issues using split screen in Lawnchair.

Oggyo And yes, split screen works.

Good that you mention that, I get an exception when using split screen. Happens with other 3rd party launchers too.

    May I kindly ask which device you're running GOS on?
    I'm on a Pixel 8 Pro. Maybe there's an incosistency in the implementation of Launcher3 not causing issues on every Pixel....?

    Anyhow, I'm desperate. Tried so many launchers, same issue since month. Repeating myself, using the phone is a pain, exposing myself to risks by keeping my holey Android 10 for everyday-use.

    What shall I do? Reset, re-flash the phone? Loosing everything I set up carefully, with zero guarantee for success?
    Launcher3 is part of the system, I cannot imaging how I messed that up, making it that "bitchy" versus 3rd party launchers?
    Any advices? Thank you

      Nova Launcher has been spyware since 2020 or earlier.
      Maybe Nova Launcher has always been spyware?
      I used it on a Fairphone 3+ and then also on the Fairphone 4.
      Without network authorisations, of course.

      But since I've been using GOS, I no longer need to replace system apps like the dialer, launcher, keyboard, camera, PDF, etc. with third-party software because the few apps that come with GOS are all pretty good.
      And if you're not an app collector, but only install the necessary apps and only arrange the ones you need all the time on the home screen, you don't have to scroll on the Pixel 8 Pro to see them all (but you do on the Pixel 7 Pro …).

        TRInvictus I'm on 8 Pro having graphical issues with all 3rd party launchers I tried. Not as extreme as yours but still. I guess it's not grapheneos but an android problem based on what people say on the internet. Maybe 3 button navigation instead of gestures could help.

          TRInvictus When I add a row/column to the home screen, or to the dock, for example, the complete home screen is reset and messed up.

          Hmm, you're right. I made a back-up before trying to add a new row, and every icon and widget that I had set up all got pushed and squished to the top, instead of an empty row getting added to the bottom with the icon and widget placements intact.

          I suppose the best way would be to first predetermine your grid size, and then create your desired home screen setup based on the set grid size. This seems like a Lawnchair issue, rather than a Pixel/GOS issue.

          May I kindly ask which device you're running GOS on?

          I'm on a regular Pixel 8.

          What shall I do? Reset, re-flash the phone? Loosing everything I set up carefully, with zero guarantee for success?

          What you're going through sounds like a major pain, I'm sorry you're going through that. One thing I suggest you try is to create a new user profile, which will essentially create a fresh install of GOS on a different "partition", without impacting your existing data.

          See if the same issue happens on the other user profile, on the stock launcher, without you making any changes. If it does, then something is definitely wrong with your install of GOS (although unlikely), and you should try re-flashing GOS from scratch after a factory reset.

          If not, then somehow & somewhere, some crucial UI setting must have been misconfigured while you were setting up your device, so a factory reset alone should be fine.

            6 days later

            Eagle_Owl And if you're not an app collector, but only install the necessary apps and only arrange the ones you need all the time on the home screen, you don't have to scroll on the Pixel 8 Pro to see them all

            I'm not an "app collector" I guess, but I have quite some. Even when grouped in folders, the stock Launcher3 on P8P has only a 5x5 grid, that's waste of space to me, especially vertically.
            I was thinking about replacing my iPad Pro with a Pixel Tablet (with GOS of course), but only 5x5 on an even bigger screen is not the way I can go.

              Jdjdoefndbej Thank you for sharing your experience, very much appreciated, sorry to hear it's a negative one too.
              So AOSP, probably, changed something, breaking any 3rd party launcher that does not update to that? Hmm. I somehow can't imagine, they all release launchers without testing them? At least not testing them on Android 14. "Total Launcher" eg. stated in the last few releases, that it was updated to run on Android 14, but seems not to be the case in any case. Lawnchair 14, guess "14" means "compatible, ready for Android 14", but not in every case too.

                • [deleted]

                TRInvictus home screen is for widgets, for quick overview, not really for app shortcuts. If you really must have it, create up to five folders (I use 4x4 grid) with app shortcuts by category and place them in the dock (bottom of the screen). All my apps fit on one page in the app drawer (which you invoke by swiping up). I am certainly not an app collector, all my apps must have an absolute need to be on my device, all else is done via Vanadium. I am driven by effectivity and privacy. No Google Play Services utilized, all default apps apart from Gallery being used. Only one profile (to prevent upstream AOSP bugs) with always on VPN.

                  Vagabond8630 I suppose the best way would be to first predetermine your grid size, and then create your desired home screen setup based on the set grid size. This seems like a Lawnchair issue, rather than a Pixel/GOS issue.

                  Seems to be an issue of a bunch of launchers sharing the same code base, don't remember the names, but they all behaved messy like that when changing the grid.
                  It's a handy feature to change the grid size when setting up the home screen, adding/resizing widgets etc. I don't know the "perfect" size in advance :-(

                  Vagabond8630 One thing I suggest you try is to create a new user profile, which will essentially create a fresh install of GOS on a different "partition", without impacting your existing data.

                  That's how I started with, a throw-away user to test launchers. Having the problems, I searched the internet, and read that non-owner is prone to problems with 3rd party launchers (due to AOSP I guess). Don't know the actual state of that (that was end of last year, if I recall correctly). So I moved on testing launchers in the owner profile, with the same result.

                  Vagabond8630 If it does, then something is definitely wrong with your install of GOS (although unlikely), and you should try re-flashing GOS from scratch after a factory reset.

                  If not, then somehow & somewhere, some crucial UI setting must have been misconfigured while you were setting up your device, so a factory reset alone should be fine.

                  I can't imagine how that could have happened....? Launcher3 is a system app, I can't mess with that. And I haven't set any dev settings or alike that may have an impact. I can't imagine that something went wrong when I flashed GOS, there's nothing that can go wrong such specifically.

                  Re-flashing is throwing away everything I set up "ultra sigh"

                  TRInvictus it's a known bug and launcher developers can't really do much unfortunately


                  Sorry for reddit links

                  So yeah I'm just praying graphene os devs will invest some time to improve stock graphene launcher customisation. I saw official graphene os account mentioned that they will work on phone, sms and gallery apps eventually. So maybe we'll be heard and some day they be willing to modernize the launcher too (at least more grid size options, for example I need 4x6)

                    [deleted] home screen is for widgets, for quick overview, not really for app shortcuts. If you really must have it, create up to five folders (I use 4x4 grid) with app shortcuts by category and place them in the dock (bottom of the screen)

                    I use the home screen for app shortcuts, grouped in folders. And 5x5 grid isn't enough for me. Same is the dock with a max of 5 shortcuts. That's with no widgets (yet).

                    Jdjdoefndbej Thank you very much for the provided links, very informative, and very "shame on you Google" (to be polite).

                    They're talking about a "small delay", I'd live great with a small delay, what I get is a black blank screen with an exception in Launcher3. Same applies to split screen, the whole thing crashes with an exception.

                    A small delay is something totally different than black screens and crashes! Can't imagine my P8P is such a potato that this "small delay" manifests as static black screen. (Well, maybe my P8P is a potato, because eg. day of time is behind for hours regularly. Another thing I can't explain.)

                    • [deleted]

                    Jdjdoefndbej re: 4x6 gives you 1 short of 5x5, what are you talking about? I said home screen is for widgets, change your way of thinking. If world doesn't move closer to you, you move closer to it.

                      [deleted] If world doesn't move closer to you, you move closer to it.

                      That's "survival of the fittest" (with "fit" meaning "adapt to"). I guess I'd be an extincted one as of Darwin's theory.... d'oh

                        • [deleted]

                        TRInvictus no, it's not that. It's just that people (with too much time on their hands) speculate too much (instead of focusing on pure living). After many experiences with third party launchers I settled with modification of Launcher 3 (GOS version). I sincerely hope you find one that suits your needs. I would go for Nova if I were you.