GrapheneOS version 2024022300 released:
See the linked release notes for a summary of the improvements over the previous release.
GrapheneOS version 2024022300 released:
See the linked release notes for a summary of the improvements over the previous release.
Ooooooo... lots of new stuff :]
Thank you allot for making the monochromatic colorscheme option available!
Thanks guys.
When will my phone get this? I manually checked for update but it says I have the latest already (which can't be true since I haven't done any updates today).
Well done. Works perfect on my P8 Pro. Looking forward also to secure face unlock and thermometer support
43t34fg4 "Releases are tested by the developers and are then pushed out via the Alpha channel. The release is then pushed out via the Beta channel shortly afterwards. Finally, the release is then pushed out via the Stable channel after being tested by some users using the Beta channel. In some cases, problems are caught during Beta channel testing and a new release is made via the Beta channel to replace the aborted one."
ErnestThornhill Oh, interesting. Ok. Thought by saying "released" it meant for everyone at that point. Thank you.
43t34fg4 I'd give the GrapheneOS website a thorough read through. It's caulk full of important and useful information.
Just got it on Pixel 5.
I still cannot update trough OTA P8P, it downloads and redownloads and never install. Was same for me on the last OTA update :(
Want that already available in "color correction"?
Thanks for another good release, sadly the 3 button navigation still broken...
ErnestThornhill improtant info like being the only OS and software org in the world not using the word Released properly. Beta and alpha are not released. This gets asked every time and due to stubborness and wanting diffwrent they thenword Released properly.
gosrox I'm not sure how you don't consider Alpha and Beta releases as releases, but to each their own...
I was confused at first, too. I think wording it as "released to alpha/beta channels" then updating the post once it hits stable would make more sense.
gosrox Except it is released. There is no alpha or beta version.
The same exact update will make its way through all three channels unless there's a problem.
If you want it immediately go to alpha. If you'd rather wait for more people to try it out first, go to another channel.
The stock updates are rolled out the same way, you just don't get to pick which group you're in.
I am having problems with this release on my P6.
Since updating my phone is randomly rebooting every 30 seconds to 30 minutes. I'm not sure how to proceed with troubleshooting or roll back.
I posted in the #testing channel on the Discord. It sounds like one other P6 user is reporting similar behavior.
Where I can locate: "Theme Picker: update color schemes including adding the monochromatic colorscheme option"?