zid Ive already tried whats in the thread hence asking here
Can you confirm that you have tried
- A different SIM card
- Visiting different locations
- Forcing 4G (LTE) and also allowing 2G
- Resetting mobile network settings (and then rebooting)
zid Ive also contacted my carrier who say the sim is fine, it also works in other phones.
Which other phones? How old is the SIM card?
zid The conclusion ive found is with "APN" but when I go to it in the phone its not accesable.
For people to help you with APN editing it will be very helpful for you to disclose which carrier you are trying to use.
Three questions in this post are questions that were previously asked, but not answered. If a question is asked which you cannot provide an answer to, please explicitly indicate that you can't provide an answer to that question, instead of just not responding to it. Thanks!