
  • Feb 9, 2024
  • Joined Nov 15, 2023
  • Is there a guide on how to get back to google rom

    • One reason is becaue I have a lot of stuff ive transfered now so dont really want to wipe it, I know I can probably backup but ive tried using usb and it was a nightmare.Also because ive spent lots of time on this and have a lot of things on the new phone I really dont want to have to go through all this again so if theres anyway I can get it done without sending back I would really apprecaite that.

      Ive run a test using Checkmend as a final resort everything is showing fine apart from


      Ever Blocked: The device has been reported lost or stolen in the past to a phone network. (This had orange attention sign

      Currently Blocked: The device has been reported lost or stolen to a phone network and will not function on some networks (This had a red cross next to it

      Stolen: We do not know of any non-network stolen reports for this device. This had a green tick

      The rest had green ticks, I have the pdf if you wanted to see but I dont kniow how I would show it here, maybe screenshot?

      I guess this is my last resort. If anyone can help

      • de0u replied to this.
      • Can anyone let me know if this is a Grapheneos error or phone carrier error as the carrier seems to think its the phone, ive been trying to do this 4 nearly a month now, so if someone can help would really apprecaite it, Is there also any advice on apn ediditng as previously asked.

        Kind regards

        • de0u replied to this.
        • I've asked the guy who I bought it off on eBay and he thinks the phone may have been blocked before he sold it to me, is this a thing and can I unblock it? Tbh I've set the phone u now I'd rather just fix it then send it back. Any ideas?

          Many thanks

          • Hi ive tried all of the following

            A different SIM card
            Visiting different locations
            Forcing 4G (LTE) and also allowing 2G
            Resetting mobile network settings (and then rebooting)

            Ive tried 4 different sim cards, Ive ordered a new one as well, I reckon it could be at least 3 years old. The carrier im using is BT in the UK.

            Ive checked mobile data toggle

            Thanks in advance

            • Thanks for your response

              Ive already tried whats in the thread hence asking here,

              Ive also contacted my carrier who say the sim is fine, it also works in other phones. The conclusion ive found is with "
              APN" but when I go to it in the phone its not accesable.

              Hope that makes sense

              • de0u replied to this.
              • Thanks ive now managed to get it up and running and im now having a problem wit the sim card, it says "No Connection" when sim in, ive found some info that some pixels have this issue, will it be that? Or do you know ways around it or do I have to send phone back?


                Thanks in advance

                • de0u replied to this.
                • Thanks none of those ways work, the only way I could stop it was to let the battery run right down. Then when I turn it on it has the following [url=https://ibb.co/Q8B4NRh][img]https://i.ibb.co/Q8B4NRh/IMG-20240109-214657.jpg[/img][/url] ( I did upload it so it was straight no idea why sideways).

                  When I press the power button I get this.......


                  Ive tried a couple times after this stage to click on unlaod the bootloader from the grapheneos website but it sends the phone back to the google logo (also when the extra window comes up where you normally select pixel6a, nothing is showing now).

                  The last time I started the phone again from the second image here just releasing the charging cable sent it to the google logo and it stayed there until I let the battery drain again.

                  Please help

                  • OK thanks, then issue I have now is the hpone is just stuck with the google logo on screen. Ive tried holding down the power and pressing both volume buttons is there anything else I can do?

                    • de0u replied to this.
                    • zid

                      Browser in the phone I was using was brave

                      • de0u replied to this.
                      • Hithanks for your responses, ive tried with my xiaomi tablet an old android phone and my most reent phone (pixel3) I got the furthest with pixel 3, it has grapheneos on it not sure if this will afect the transfer? When Iused the Xiaomi it crashed as well as the old android but when they turned on again they worked for a while but I still got the furthest with my pixel 3 with graphneos on. Im thinking maybe to borrow a newer android phone to do it or do via pc but I seemd to struggle with the phone talking to the pc.

                        Im using the usb cable that cam with the new pixel 6a.

                        • zid replied to this.
                        • And my phone currently has the fastbootd screenb up, im also doing it between two android phones

                          • Ive been trying to setup grapheneos on my pixel 6a, I get as far as Flash release, it does it all the way to the end I have to keep reconecting etc. Then I keep getting this error..... can anyone help?

                            Error: The requested file could not be read, typically due to permission problems that have occured aftera reference to a file was acquired.

                            Thanks in advance

                          • Ok thanks guys and thanks for your quick responses, is there anyway of using the power button. Google offers touch support and gestures, just wondered if I could get this on GrapheneOS.

                            Otherwise im thinking I need to upgrade

                            • de0u replied to this.
                            • Hi everyone hope all are well

                              Im new to the forum but been on this OS for several years. I have a pixel 3 and the last couple days the volume buttons and power button dont seem to be working. ive done some research so far and it seems Pixel 3 is no longer supported so its possibly this why they are not working, could it be anything else. Ive cleared cache ran sd maid and rebooted a few times, but its still like it, so either its os problem oe phone is getting old I think, any other suggestions?

                              So basically the phone has no issue when on, but as soon as it goes to sleep mode, or screen goes black the only way I can get the screen back on is to either plug a charging socket into it or take out if already on charge. I also cant screenshot either and wondered if theres another setting I can change this because of the original issue. Ive found info on android just not with this OS.

                              Im a long time user but I am learning on the go so im not always that tech savy but know a enough I think

                              Thanks in advance

                              Kind regards