And my phone currently has the fastbootd screenb up, im also doing it between two android phones
Error: the requested file could not be read....
zid fastbootd
You should be seeing fastboot
, not fastbootd
. You need to start up the stock os and follow the steps again from
Error: The requested file could not be read,...
That is a USB related issue typically, as de0u mentioned already.
Make sure you meet the prerequisites.
Hithanks for your responses, ive tried with my xiaomi tablet an old android phone and my most reent phone (pixel3) I got the furthest with pixel 3, it has grapheneos on it not sure if this will afect the transfer? When Iused the Xiaomi it crashed as well as the old android but when they turned on again they worked for a while but I still got the furthest with my pixel 3 with graphneos on. Im thinking maybe to borrow a newer android phone to do it or do via pc but I seemd to struggle with the phone talking to the pc.
Im using the usb cable that cam with the new pixel 6a.
OK thanks, then issue I have now is the hpone is just stuck with the google logo on screen. Ive tried holding down the power and pressing both volume buttons is there anything else I can do?
Thanks none of those ways work, the only way I could stop it was to let the battery run right down. Then when I turn it on it has the following [url=][img][/img][/url] ( I did upload it so it was straight no idea why sideways).
When I press the power button I get this.......
Ive tried a couple times after this stage to click on unlaod the bootloader from the grapheneos website but it sends the phone back to the google logo (also when the extra window comes up where you normally select pixel6a, nothing is showing now).
The last time I started the phone again from the second image here just releasing the charging cable sent it to the google logo and it stayed there until I let the battery drain again.
Please help
zid hi there, I'm sorry to hear you haven't been able to install GrapheneOS as of yet.
We'd be happy to walk you through the installation and get you up and running. Please join the community chatrooms and ask for support there. We can then help you with the installation in real time.
The chatrooms are available on Discord, Matrix and Telegram, and details how to connect to them are here:
Thanks ive now managed to get it up and running and im now having a problem wit the sim card, it says "No Connection" when sim in, ive found some info that some pixels have this issue, will it be that? Or do you know ways around it or do I have to send phone back?
Thanks in advance
zid im now having a problem wit the sim card, it says "No Connection" when sim in, ive found some info that some pixels have this issue, will it be that? Or do you know ways around it or do I have to send phone back?
"No connection" is a symptom of some problem among many possibilities -- it's not a problem itself. In the thread you cited different people had different outcomes. For example, one posting was about a problem with provisioning settings inside the user's cellular company, nothing about the phone or the OS:
Sometimes the problem is that a SIM card needs to be replaced.
Can you try some of the things suggested in "Carrier Functionality" on the GrapheneOS web site, and also things suggested in the thread you cited? One of those things may work, though it's hard for us to guess which one.
You could also try providing us with more information. Which carrier are you using? How old is the SIM card? If the SIM card was working in some other phone, what phone was that?
Thanks for your response
Ive already tried whats in the thread hence asking here,
Ive also contacted my carrier who say the sim is fine, it also works in other phones. The conclusion ive found is with "
APN" but when I go to it in the phone its not accesable.
Hope that makes sense
- Edited
zid Ive already tried whats in the thread hence asking here
Can you confirm that you have tried
- A different SIM card
- Visiting different locations
- Forcing 4G (LTE) and also allowing 2G
- Resetting mobile network settings (and then rebooting)
zid Ive also contacted my carrier who say the sim is fine, it also works in other phones.
Which other phones? How old is the SIM card?
zid The conclusion ive found is with "APN" but when I go to it in the phone its not accesable.
For people to help you with APN editing it will be very helpful for you to disclose which carrier you are trying to use.
Three questions in this post are questions that were previously asked, but not answered. If a question is asked which you cannot provide an answer to, please explicitly indicate that you can't provide an answer to that question, instead of just not responding to it. Thanks!
@zid I've seen a number of people on this forum with the same issue who've fixed connectivity issues by getting a new SIM card. It's more common than you might think.
Also, since you linked a discussion about mobile data not working, is the issue that your mobile data is off? You can check if you can toggle it on in the owner profile by doing the following: swipe down from the top of your phone's screen so you see the quick settings tiles, then tap the "Internet" tile, then if you see mobile data, can you toggle it on?
If those things don't work, have you tried resetting your network settings? From owner Settings > System > Reset options > Reset Mobile Network Settings
Hi ive tried all of the following
A different SIM card
Visiting different locations
Forcing 4G (LTE) and also allowing 2G
Resetting mobile network settings (and then rebooting)
Ive tried 4 different sim cards, Ive ordered a new one as well, I reckon it could be at least 3 years old. The carrier im using is BT in the UK.
Ive checked mobile data toggle
Thanks in advance
zid This hasn't come up, so I think it's worth asking... Was the phone working before installing GrapheneOS? Were you able to make phone calls and use mobile data? In an earlier post you asked if you should send the phone back. Is this a new phone?
I'm not familiar with your carrier, but I would imagine it's a supported carrier just based on the location and the fact that they seem to sell Pixels in their online store. The phone should just connect without any configuration or other nonsense. I'm wondering if there's a different issue.
I've asked the guy who I bought it off on eBay and he thinks the phone may have been blocked before he sold it to me, is this a thing and can I unblock it? Tbh I've set the phone u now I'd rather just fix it then send it back. Any ideas?
Many thanks