zid im now having a problem wit the sim card, it says "No Connection" when sim in, ive found some info that some pixels have this issue, will it be that? Or do you know ways around it or do I have to send phone back?
"No connection" is a symptom of some problem among many possibilities -- it's not a problem itself. In the thread you cited different people had different outcomes. For example, one posting was about a problem with provisioning settings inside the user's cellular company, nothing about the phone or the OS: https://discuss.grapheneos.org/d/4329-issues-with-mobile-data/17
Sometimes the problem is that a SIM card needs to be replaced.
Can you try some of the things suggested in "Carrier Functionality" on the GrapheneOS web site, and also things suggested in the thread you cited? One of those things may work, though it's hard for us to guess which one.
You could also try providing us with more information. Which carrier are you using? How old is the SIM card? If the SIM card was working in some other phone, what phone was that?