Hi everyone hope all are well
Im new to the forum but been on this OS for several years. I have a pixel 3 and the last couple days the volume buttons and power button dont seem to be working. ive done some research so far and it seems Pixel 3 is no longer supported so its possibly this why they are not working, could it be anything else. Ive cleared cache ran sd maid and rebooted a few times, but its still like it, so either its os problem oe phone is getting old I think, any other suggestions?
So basically the phone has no issue when on, but as soon as it goes to sleep mode, or screen goes black the only way I can get the screen back on is to either plug a charging socket into it or take out if already on charge. I also cant screenshot either and wondered if theres another setting I can change this because of the original issue. Ive found info on android just not with this OS.
Im a long time user but I am learning on the go so im not always that tech savy but know a enough I think
Thanks in advance
Kind regards