soupslurpr The GPS is still on when I'm in airplane mode. GPS doesn't use too much power.
- 15 hours ago
- Joined May 4, 2024
- Edited
I live in Arizona. We only do MST here. Despite this, during the recent daylight savings time switchover this weekend, my phone decided to update itself to MDT. This was not fixed until I went off airplane mode. This caused me to end up waking up an hour earlier than when my alarm was supposed to be set.
The automatic timezone should be switched over to be GPS based, instead of being entirely reliant on the cell network (and having the ability to reach it).
Did a recent update change how the scheduler works? My phone battery has, in the last week or so, been draining at five times the pace it usually does. I checked the battery usage statistics with nothing out of the ordinary. It seems to be burning more power only when I'm actively using the phone (instead of it being locked), even if I do something through SSH on Termux. When it's locked it seems to be fine. I have the always-on-display enabled.
Conjure6589 Seconding this. Using an app gives you more features. Notably downloads and background play.
other8026 changes like the one you're proposing aren't really the kinds of changes that GrapheneOS makes since the focus is on privacy and security.
Makes sense.
I ended up downloading Glimpse Notifications (de.nullgrad.glimpse) and it somehow (I don't know how) does change the behavior to what I want.
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I feel like the AOSP does zero testing on anything. Even the always-on display is broken. When you locked your phone, it used to first show the icons for notifications that weren't passed through to the lock screen, then fix itself. Now it does the exact same thing except it doesn't show the icons. So it still shows the time in the smaller layout, before fixing itself into the bigger one.
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Furthermore, it doesn't wake the screen at all for notifications with content hidden. I don't know why it's made like that, because the only reason I would have a notification passed through to the lock screen is to be notified of when it happened—I just don't want some random person to be able to see the content.
Seconded, you have to enable access to restricted settings via the app's system settings page, then the three dots in the top right.
This thing is so obnoxious. Coming from an iPhone, it would actually light up the entire screen including the wallpaper when a notification comes in, so the user could actually see it. But this feature on Android just shows the time and notification icon super dimmed.
Is there a roadmap to fix this? Is it even on a bug tracker? I am literally struggling to explain how useless this thing is. I have the always-on display turned on because seeing the clock change from the large 2x2 layout to the other one is literally more visible than this garbage.
mew_215 You're SOL if you wanna use iMessage. It's what you get for using an Apple device.