• GeneralSolved
  • The "Wake screen for notifications" feature is completely useless

This thing is so obnoxious. Coming from an iPhone, it would actually light up the entire screen including the wallpaper when a notification comes in, so the user could actually see it. But this feature on Android just shows the time and notification icon super dimmed.

Is there a roadmap to fix this? Is it even on a bug tracker? I am literally struggling to explain how useless this thing is. I have the always-on display turned on because seeing the clock change from the large 2x2 layout to the other one is literally more visible than this garbage.

Furthermore, it doesn't wake the screen at all for notifications with content hidden. I don't know why it's made like that, because the only reason I would have a notification passed through to the lock screen is to be notified of when it happened—I just don't want some random person to be able to see the content.

I feel like the AOSP does zero testing on anything. Even the always-on display is broken. When you locked your phone, it used to first show the icons for notifications that weren't passed through to the lock screen, then fix itself. Now it does the exact same thing except it doesn't show the icons. So it still shows the time in the smaller layout, before fixing itself into the bigger one.

I personally have never noticed this, to be honest.

I can understand that certain differences between iOS and Android can take some time to get used to, and now that you mention it I think that you may have a point that more visible notifications may be desired. However, there are still other ways that notifications can grab someone's attention: vibration and/or a notification sound. Perhaps AOSP designers think that majority of people will rely on those things.

Having said all that, changes like the one you're proposing aren't really the kinds of changes that GrapheneOS makes since the focus is on privacy and security. To make the proposed change and to maintain it in the future would likely take up too much of GrapheneOS developer's time and effort, leaving them with less time to focus the kinds of features and improvements that make GrapheneOS great.

    other8026 changes like the one you're proposing aren't really the kinds of changes that GrapheneOS makes since the focus is on privacy and security.

    Makes sense.

    I ended up downloading Glimpse Notifications (de.nullgrad.glimpse) and it somehow (I don't know how) does change the behavior to what I want.