[deleted] , other8026
I think it was a missing "display over other apps" permission.
OK, I tried this:
Removed 'Exploit protection compatibility mode' on Wechat app.
Uninstalled it.
Logged into Sandbox profile.
Logged into Playstore.
Downloaded Wechat.
Interesting observation: the reported app size is now 150MB, and not 270MB! Maybe its a regional thing? I see in Aurora the language flips between German, Spanish... maybe due to regional settings underneath for the dummy accounts Aurora uses... Version number is the same however.
Swapped profiles back to Owner.
Can't see Wechat app! I thought I'd be here? - I also thought apps are installed globally?
Reboot phone.
Still can't see Wechat in Owner profile.
Logged back into Sandbox profile - Wechat is there.
Log out of Sandbox profile with 'End Session'.
Back into Owner profile.
Go into Manage users.
App installs and updates are active for Sandbox.
Under Install available apps its possible to install an app from Owner, into Sandbox... (no Wechat here obvs)
Click on Owner profile - can only change name...
Back into Sandbox.
Uninstall Wechat.
End session, back into Owner.
Install Wechat again. (Didn't run it)
What the heck? Install is done, Aurora prompts to OPEN the app, but I can't see the App icon in the app drawer?!
Ok, app appeared in drawer but it took a while... Strange
Back into Sandbox profile.
Back into Play store.
Install Wechat again. (Didn't run it)
Install took a looong time.
I'm hoping this somehow overwrites the App installed from Owner profile??
Check App Info for Wechat from App drawer. Version looks ok. App size reported at 0.90GB.
End session.
Back into Owner profile.
Wechat is still there.
Check App Info for Wechat from App drawer. Version looks ok. Same.
Storage and cache menu option disabled! Cannot check app install size.
Close App Info. Try again.
Check App Info for Wechat from App drawer. Ok, looks better now. Version looks ok, can also see versionCode value now. Same. App size reported at 0.90GB.
Run Wechat.
Do the stupid convoluted login ritual... SMS actually arrived this time. Imagine that!
Ok, logged in.
Try voice call. Prompts for permissions. Allow.
Wechat restarts :(
Checked permissions - allow camera, mic, network, sensors. Set location: ask every time.
Enable Exploit protection compatibility mode.
Try sending camera shot in wechat - works.
Try voice call again. CRASH!
Try video call CRASH!
Enable Developer Options.
Plug into USB again.
Check logcat.
Still *&^&$% missing flutter lib!!!! :O
Log out of Wechat.
Back into in Sandbox.
Log into Wechat.
Allow permissions.
Start voice call.
Allow more permissions.
Call starts!!
Permission prompt to display on top of other apps...
Whoa! This is different! didn't get this prompt in the Owner profile
Allow permission.
Back to Owner profile.
Search in system Settings for "display over other apps"
Enable for Wechat.
Back into Wechat, start voice call.
OMG what a PITA!
Along the way also tried installing from Aurora with Native installer option selected - it bombed as you might have expected.