
  • Aug 26, 2024
  • Joined Oct 31, 2023
  • poubellier
    Hi, hmm, trying to decipher my comments above, I think the thing was - go into sandbox account, log into google play, install wechat, then log out of play store, and then log back into owner account.
    Maybe have to wait a bit for the app to show / become available. Maybe restart / allow for app optimization.
    Then, set permissions against app itself, AND set the"Display over other apps" permission, which sits somewhere in the main android menu, not against the app itself (you can just search for it in the main menu).
    So, I guess the logs above on the missing flutter lib, was either a red herring or solved with install from play store.
    The enabled permissions I have against the app itself are: camera, mic, music & audio, network, notifications, photo and video, sensors.
    And then that other global permission for display over other apps.
    Hope that helps.
    I'm on version 8.0.37 / 2368

  • other8026

    What I tried this time was - before uninstalling, I went into account settings, and reset my password (even though I use a psw manager and know I don't have an incorrect password).

    Then, I took note of the "username" which was just my phone number in E164 format:
    I also recorded a voice-prompt thing... that is new.

    When I logged in again, I did not enter my phone number in the first box, I clicked the link below to log in with another method.
    Then chose the "username or qq id login method"-something option.

    Then I entered my phone number in that same E164 format as username, and my newly reset password. That seems to work.

    I got prompted once for the slidy-thing, and then a SMS, which came through immediately.

    Thats it - no drama.

    Prior to this, I've always struggled with login... password never works. SMS doesn't arrive. Usually have to do account recover by getting your contacts to send you back a verification code or something.

    I dunno if resetting the password made a difference. I'm guessing our account records in wechat-land have been migrated so many times... Probably somewhere along the line - something got mangled or a salt got reset or something.

    Resetting it probably made it work in the current system.

    Oh, the voice recognition thing cannot be used to log into a new device - only on same device if you logged out, and then trying to log back in...

    Thanks again for the help and comments.

  • Had a similar issue - can't get Voice calls to work in Wechat - app crashes.
    I think the issue was a missing permission for "display over other apps".
    That permissions is not managed in Wechat's App Info screen - there is another system setting, where all the apps are managed for "display over other apps".
    Make sure that is enabled.

    Whole story detailed over here: https://discuss.grapheneos.org/d/9039-do-i-need-google-service-for-wechat-calls/17

  • [deleted] , other8026

    I think it was a missing "display over other apps" permission.

    OK, I tried this:

    Removed 'Exploit protection compatibility mode' on Wechat app.
    Uninstalled it.
    Logged into Sandbox profile.
    Logged into Playstore.
    Downloaded Wechat.
    Interesting observation: the reported app size is now 150MB, and not 270MB! Maybe its a regional thing? I see in Aurora the language flips between German, Spanish... maybe due to regional settings underneath for the dummy accounts Aurora uses... Version number is the same however.
    Swapped profiles back to Owner.
    Can't see Wechat app! I thought I'd be here? - I also thought apps are installed globally?
    Reboot phone.
    Still can't see Wechat in Owner profile.
    Logged back into Sandbox profile - Wechat is there.
    Log out of Sandbox profile with 'End Session'.
    Back into Owner profile.
    Go into Manage users.
    App installs and updates are active for Sandbox.
    Under Install available apps its possible to install an app from Owner, into Sandbox... (no Wechat here obvs)
    Click on Owner profile - can only change name...

    Back into Sandbox.
    Uninstall Wechat.
    End session, back into Owner.
    Install Wechat again. (Didn't run it)
    What the heck? Install is done, Aurora prompts to OPEN the app, but I can't see the App icon in the app drawer?!
    Ok, app appeared in drawer but it took a while... Strange
    Back into Sandbox profile.
    Back into Play store.
    Install Wechat again. (Didn't run it)
    Install took a looong time.
    I'm hoping this somehow overwrites the App installed from Owner profile??
    Check App Info for Wechat from App drawer. Version looks ok. App size reported at 0.90GB.
    End session.
    Back into Owner profile.
    Wechat is still there.
    Check App Info for Wechat from App drawer. Version looks ok. Same.
    Storage and cache menu option disabled! Cannot check app install size.
    Close App Info. Try again.
    Check App Info for Wechat from App drawer. Ok, looks better now. Version looks ok, can also see versionCode value now. Same. App size reported at 0.90GB.


    Run Wechat.
    Do the stupid convoluted login ritual... SMS actually arrived this time. Imagine that!
    Ok, logged in.
    Try voice call. Prompts for permissions. Allow.
    Wechat restarts :(
    Checked permissions - allow camera, mic, network, sensors. Set location: ask every time.
    Enable Exploit protection compatibility mode.
    Try sending camera shot in wechat - works.
    Try voice call again. CRASH!
    Try video call CRASH!

    Enable Developer Options.
    Plug into USB again.
    Check logcat.
    Still *&^&$% missing flutter lib!!!! :O

    Log out of Wechat.
    Back into in Sandbox.
    Log into Wechat.
    Allow permissions.
    Start voice call.
    Allow more permissions.
    Call starts!!
    Permission prompt to display on top of other apps...

    Whoa! This is different! didn't get this prompt in the Owner profile

    Allow permission.

    Back to Owner profile.
    Search in system Settings for "display over other apps"
    Enable for Wechat.
    Back into Wechat, start voice call.

    IT WORKS!!!!

    OMG what a PITA!

    Along the way also tried installing from Aurora with Native installer option selected - it bombed as you might have expected.

    • other8026 Hmm - one more note:
      When I download the full APK from Weixin - it def contains libflutter.co, and libapp.so (from what I read online - these 2 go together).
      The 4 files I got from Aurora don't contain these.
      Also, the version number on Weixin is a few ahead of what is on the Google play store.

      So - I am thinking - probably this is a build-package time defect, where the correct chunks of the app is not rolled into the correct packages which exist in Google Play Store.

      Maybe they will fix it?

      Maybe it is an Aurora issue, where it is not picking the correct packages to pull from Play store, or maybe not getting all of them?

      Anyway - I'm reasonably sure now its not any fault of GrapheneOS.

      Maybe possible ways forward:

      I do have play store in my Sandbox account...
      I think if I sign in there, download app, install, then sign out again, then Wechat form the Owner profile...

      OR - looks like you can pick the version to download via Auroa... maybe if I try older (or newer?) versions - it might be fixed there...

      Any more ideas?

      • other8026
        OK, I downloaded all 4 APKs that Aurora showed for Wechat (the parts), and unzipped them all. The arm64_v8a "config app" contains all the JNI binaries (I guess - not Java stuff).
        There 107 .so files in there, but nothing remotely named "flutter".

        So - mmmaybe that App was built without flutter? Flutter is Google's cross platform app development thingy...
        Maybe this lib is supposed to be present at the OS level, not the app level? Like a global dependency?

      • other8026
        Good lead!
        Just checked - setting is already on "session installer".
        I see if you download it directly from weixin.qq.com - it is 252MB.
        The size reported by Aurora is 270MB.
        Yeah, I'm sure its a different build.

        Hmmm - I wonder if I want to risk installing the one from weixin directly :/

        Inside Aurora, when viewing the Wechat app, context menu -> Downloads, I can see there are 4 different files downloaded for Wechat...
        The base app, and 3 config ones.
        Prob one of those are supposed to have the flutter lib in it...
        I downloaded them all (long-press-copy-link), and they do add up to 270MB...

        Will do some more investigation.

      • [deleted]
        Thanks. Yep.
        I was just guessing that maaaaaybe the Wechat version distributed via Google Play might be a different build that the one used in China, and maybe it relies on Googly bits like that... but from the error log, it doesn't seem to be the case.

      • other8026 Thanks!
        See - that is exactly what I also thought!

        Maybe - since I got the app via Aurora (via Google play store) that - this is maybe a Google friendly distro, which DOES use Firebase or other Google services?

        Anyway - I ran it through Android Device Monitor, and grabbed these logs-
        (Sorry for the wall of text).

        The key point is:
        ExecutionException: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: dlopen failed: library "libflutter.so" not found

        So looks like flutter lib missing??

        My GrapheneOS build number says 2023111500
        So, its not old, I guess...

        Log chunk:
        11-23 17:26:08.252: I/PlayCore(19581): UID: [10140] PID: [19581] SplitInstallListenerRegistry : unregisterListener
        11-23 17:26:10.951: W/TracingMuxer(1136): type=1400 audit(0.0:4811): avc: denied { write } for name="traced_producer" dev="tmpfs" ino=1157 scontext=u:r:gxp_logging:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:traced_producer_socket:s0 tclass=sock_file permissive=0
        11-23 17:26:11.358: D/USF(921): AP/AOC clock synced: AOC: 11418921669268 ns (280631383865 tk), AP: 11406582075353 ns, diff = 12339593915 ns
        11-23 17:26:11.525: I/native(2016): I0000 00:00:1700713571.525098 2046 tf_lite_classifier.cc:400] Event stream classified as kNone
        11-23 17:26:11.640: D/audioserver(980): FGS Logger Transaction failed
        11-23 17:26:11.640: D/audioserver(980): -129
        11-23 17:26:11.649: D/audio_hw_output_stream(872): update stream 1 active 1 gain 0.006804
        11-23 17:26:11.650: D/audio_hw(872): prepare low-latency-playback
        11-23 17:26:11.650: D/audio_hw_soundtrigger(872): st_uc_monitor:uc:low-latency-playback active
        11-23 17:26:11.650: D/audio_hw(872): low-latency-playback:
        11-23 17:26:11.650: D/audio_hw(872): rx:
        11-23 17:26:11.650: D/audio_hw(872): #0: OUT_SPEAKER_BE_CFG 0
        11-23 17:26:11.650: W/audio_hw_35l41(872): cs35l41_amp_common_event: ret: 0, event: 1, state: 2, device: 4
        11-23 17:26:11.650: D/audio_route(872): Apply path: speaker
        11-23 17:26:11.660: D/audio_hw_aoc_route(872): speaker 1
        11-23 17:26:11.660: D/audio_route(872): Apply path: hostless-ulC spk-vi
        11-23 17:26:11.663: W/audio_hw_35l41(872): cs35l41_amp_common_event: ret: 0, event: 2, state: 3, device: 4
        11-23 17:26:11.663: I/audio_hw_playback_thermal_throttle_control(872): Update kIdle to kOnce
        11-23 17:26:11.663: D/audio_hw_battery_adaptive_audio_control(872): ProcessPlaybackTunerControl: update playback tuner 1
        11-23 17:26:11.663: D/audio_hw_waves_cust_action_thermal_battery(872): UpdateBatteryThrottleState: update tuning!
        11-23 17:26:11.663: D/audio_hw_soundtrigger(872): st_comm_aud_event_monitor:codec dev:4 active
        11-23 17:26:11.663: I/audio_hw_aoc(872): Mode Ambient is already selected
        11-23 17:26:11.663: D/audio_route(872): Apply path: low-latency-playbackP
        11-23 17:26:11.664: D/audio_hw_aoc_route(872): low-latency-playbackP 1
        11-23 17:26:11.664: D/audio_route(872): Apply path: speaker-post
        11-23 17:26:11.667: D/audio_hw_aoc_route(872): speaker-post 1
        11-23 17:26:11.670: D/audio_hw_waves(872): waves_usecase_event: low-latency-playback start
        11-23 17:26:11.670: D/audio_hw_waves(872): waves_usecase_event: trigger to update tuning when first track is running.
        11-23 17:26:11.670: D/audio_hw_waves(872): update_sink_info_from_usecases: sink 1 VOL/Stream update 0.000000(4294967295) -> 0.006804(1)
        11-23 17:26:11.674: I/pixel-thermal(1712): soft_ocp_cpu1:0 raw data: soft_ocp_cpu1:0
        11-23 17:26:11.678: D/audio_hw_waves(872): send_waves_tuning: instance_id = 1, tuning_id = 2
        11-23 17:26:11.678: D/audio_hw_aoc(872): aoc_send_rtc_mixer_tuning: block_id = 16, comp_id = 2
        11-23 17:26:11.681: D/AOC(1137): F1:MSG: controller.cc, 273: AudioOutCtrl: cmd ID: 0x010f, tag: 0x01 [cntr = 616]
        11-23 17:26:11.681: D/AOC(1137): F1:Source 1 mastered by sink 0
        11-23 17:26:11.681: D/AOC(1137): F1:AT Map:2 (LL:0), 1 EPs active, Power: Yes, Config: No
        11-23 17:26:11.681: D/AOC(1137): F1:Mixer 0 configuration changed: (2)
        11-23 17:26:11.681: D/AOC(1137): F1:Sink 0 Configuration changed: ULL (enabled)
        11-23 17:26:11.681: D/AOC(1137): F1:AHWSinkSPKR started: 48 samples (32-bit,2 ch,48 kHz) block 384
        11-23 17:26:11.682: D/AOC(1137): F1:[AHWSinkSPKR] DL resync B: 0, A:0. wo: 0, target offset: 3264 (align 0) -> ro:0
        11-23 17:26:11.682: D/AOC(1137): F1:MSG: controller.cc, 868: AudioOutCtrl: ipc: audio_output_co, cmd ID: 0x010f, tag: 0x01, rc: 0
        11-23 17:26:11.682: D/AOC(1137): F1:Speaker TDM Started with Clk: 6144 KHz, FS: 48 KHz, Slots: 4 (4 ch used) DMA:1+2
        11-23 17:26:11.682: D/AOC(1137): F1:[AHWSinkSPKR] mix overrun by 3840
        11-23 17:26:11.682: D/AOC(1137): H0:Mixer AMixSPKR: 480 samples (0002/0002) (ON SC)
        11-23 17:26:11.682: D/AOC(1137): H0: 1: 0x4ebc70
        11-23 17:26:11.682: D/AOC(1137): H0:AMixSPKR PostProcessing Config: WAVES
        11-23 17:26:11.682: D/AOC(1137): H0:Mixer configuration updated
        11-23 17:26:11.682: D/AOC(1137): H0:Mixer state changed
        11-23 17:26:11.683: D/AOC(1137): F1:MSG: controller.cc, 273: AudioOutCtrl: cmd ID: 0x00ce, tag: 0x02 [cntr = 617]
        11-23 17:26:11.684: D/AOC(1137): F1:MSG: controller_audio_output.cc, 1763: audio_playback1 set threshold 11520
        11-23 17:26:11.684: D/AOC(1137): F1:MSG: controller.cc, 868: AudioOutCtrl: ipc: audio_output_co, cmd ID: 0x0125, tag: 0x50, rc: 0
        11-23 17:26:11.684: D/AOC(1137): F1:MSG: controller.cc, 273: AudioOutCtrl: cmd ID: 0x00d5, tag: 0x72 [cntr = 618]
        11-23 17:26:11.684: D/AOC(1137): H0:MSG: controller.cc, 868: AudOutCtrlH0: ipc: C-AO-H0, cmd ID: 0x00d5, tag: 0x80, rc: 0
        11-23 17:26:11.684: D/AOC(1137): F1:MSG: controller.cc, 868: AudioOutCtrl: ipc: audio_output_tu, cmd ID: 0x00d5, tag: 0x80, rc: 0
        11-23 17:26:11.687: D/AOC(1137): F1:MSG: controller.cc, 273: AudioOutCtrl: cmd ID: 0x00c9, tag: 0x03 [cntr = 619]
        11-23 17:26:11.687: D/AOC(1137): F1:MSG: controller.cc, 868: AudioOutCtrl: ipc: audio_output_co, cmd ID: 0x00c9, tag: 0x03, rc: 0
        11-23 17:26:11.690: I/pixel-thermal(1712): soft_ocp_cpu2:0 raw data: soft_ocp_cpu2:0
        11-23 17:26:11.691: I/pixel-thermal(1712): FLASH_LED_REDUCE:0 raw data: FLASH_LED_REDUCE:0 battery:24900 battery_cycle:26 vdroop1:0
        11-23 17:26:11.691: I/pixel-thermal(1712): ocp_tpu:0 raw data: ocp_tpu:0
        11-23 17:26:11.701: I/pixel-thermal(1712): ocp_gpu:0 raw data: ocp_gpu:0
        11-23 17:26:11.702: I/pixel-thermal(1712): smpl_gm:0 raw data: smpl_gm:0
        11-23 17:26:11.702: I/pixel-thermal(1712): vdroop2:0 raw data: vdroop2:0
        11-23 17:26:11.703: I/pixel-thermal(1712): VIRTUAL-USB-THROTTLING:0 raw data: USB-MINUS-SKIN2:-1849 VIRTUAL-USB-THROTTLING:0 skin_therm2:27899 usb_pwr_therm:26050
        11-23 17:26:11.703: I/pixel-thermal(1712): vdroop1:0 raw data: vdroop1:0
        11-23 17:26:11.703: I/pixel-thermal(1712): BCL_AUDIO_BAACL:1 raw data: BCL_AUDIO_BAACL:1 battery:24900 soc:21
        11-23 17:26:11.704: I/pixel-thermal(1712): BCL_BATOILO_TPU_LOW_TEMP:0 raw data: BCL_BATOILO_TPU_LOW_TEMP:0 batoilo:0 battery:24900 ocp_tpu:0
        11-23 17:26:11.704: I/pixel-thermal(1712): BCL_TPU_LOW_TEMP:-249000 raw data: BCL_TPU_LOW_TEMP:-249000 battery:24900 ocp_tpu:0
        11-23 17:26:11.704: I/pixel-thermal(1712): soc:21 raw data: soc:21
        11-23 17:26:11.705: I/pixel-thermal(1712): critical-battery-cell:0 raw data: battery:24900 battery_cycle:26 critical-battery-cell:0 vdroop1:0
        11-23 17:26:11.705: I/pixel-thermal(1712): BCL_BATOILO_TPU:0 raw data: BCL_BATOILO_TPU:0 batoilo:0 ocp_tpu:0
        11-23 17:26:11.705: I/pixel-thermal(1712): BCL_GPU_LOW_TEMP:-249000 raw data: BCL_GPU_LOW_TEMP:-249000 battery:24900 ocp_gpu:0
        11-23 17:26:11.706: I/pixel-thermal(1712): BCL_BATOILO_GPU_LOW_TEMP:0 raw data: BCL_BATOILO_GPU_LOW_TEMP:0 batoilo:0 battery:24900 ocp_gpu:0
        11-23 17:26:11.706: I/pixel-thermal(1712): VIRTUAL-USB-UI:0 raw data: USB-MINUS-SKIN2:-1849 VIRTUAL-USB-UI:0 usb_pwr_therm:26050
        11-23 17:26:11.707: I/pixel-thermal(1712): cellular-emergency:25.3084 raw data: VIRTUAL-NEU-QUT-SKIN1-SKIN2-USB-USB2-GNSS-1:24961.8 VIRTUAL-NEU-QUT-SKIN1-SKIN2-USB-USB2-GNSS-4:24390.1 VIRTUAL-QUT-SKIN2-USB-GNSS-3:25041.6 VIRTUAL-QUT-SKIN2-USB-USB2-2:25308.4 cellular-emergency:25308.4 gnss_tcxo_therm:26916 neutral_therm:26846 quiet_therm:25839 skin_therm1:26401 skin_therm2:27899 usb_pwr_therm:26050 usb_pwr_therm2:26073
        11-23 17:26:11.708: I/pixel-thermal(1712): BCL_BATOILO_GPU:0 raw data: BCL_BATOILO_GPU:0 batoilo:0 ocp_gpu:0
        11-23 17:26:11.708: I/pixel-thermal(1712): VIRTUAL-SKIN-CHARGE:25.3084 raw data: VIRTUAL-NEU-QUT-SKIN1-SKIN2-USB-USB2-GNSS-1:24961.8 VIRTUAL-NEU-QUT-SKIN1-SKIN2-USB-USB2-GNSS-4:24390.1 VIRTUAL-QUT-SKIN2-USB-GNSS-3:25041.6 VIRTUAL-QUT-SKIN2-USB-USB2-2:25308.4 VIRTUAL-SKIN-CHARGE:25308.4
        11-23 17:26:11.708: I/pixel-thermal(1712): VIRTUAL-SKIN-HINT:25.3084 raw data: VIRTUAL-NEU-QUT-SKIN1-SKIN2-USB-USB2-GNSS-1:24961.8 VIRTUAL-NEU-QUT-SKIN1-SKIN2-USB-USB2-GNSS-4:24390.1 VIRTUAL-QUT-SKIN2-USB-GNSS-3:25041.6 VIRTUAL-QUT-SKIN2-USB-USB2-2:25308.4 VIRTUAL-SKIN-HINT:25308.4
        11-23 17:26:11.708: I/pixel-thermal(1712): VIRTUAL-SKIN:25.3084 raw data: VIRTUAL-NEU-QUT-SKIN1-SKIN2-USB-USB2-GNSS-1:24961.8 VIRTUAL-NEU-QUT-SKIN1-SKIN2-USB-USB2-GNSS-4:24390.1 VIRTUAL-QUT-SKIN2-USB-GNSS-3:25041.6 VIRTUAL-QUT-SKIN2-USB-USB2-2:25308.4 VIRTUAL-SKIN:25308.4
        11-23 17:26:11.708: I/pixel-thermal(1712): USB-MINUS-SKIN2:-1.849 raw data: USB-MINUS-SKIN2:-1849
        11-23 17:26:11.708: I/pixel-thermal(1712): skin_therm1:26.401 raw data: skin_therm1:26401
        11-23 17:26:11.708: I/pixel-thermal(1712): usb_pwr_therm:26.05 raw data: usb_pwr_therm:26050
        11-23 17:26:11.708: I/pixel-thermal(1712): batoilo:0 raw data: batoilo:0
        11-23 17:26:11.708: I/pixel-thermal(1712): VIRTUAL-SKIN-CHARGE-WLC:27.0381 raw data: VIRTUAL-SKIN-CHARGE-WLC:27038.1 disp_therm:26214 skin_therm2:27899 usb_pwr_therm2:26073
        11-23 17:26:11.709: D/audio_hw_waves_cust_action_thermal_battery(872): UpdateThermistors: update linklaw: 1 25.308353 25.308353
        11-23 17:26:11.709: D/audio_hw_waves_cust_action_thermal_battery(872): UpdateThermistors: update tuning!
        11-23 17:26:11.710: D/audio_hw_waves(872): update_tuning_from_custom_action
        11-23 17:26:11.718: E/AndroidRuntime(19099): FATAL EXCEPTION: flutter-worker-1
        11-23 17:26:11.718: E/AndroidRuntime(19099): Process: com.tencent.mm, PID: 19099
        11-23 17:26:11.718: E/AndroidRuntime(19099): java.lang.RuntimeException: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: dlopen failed: library "libflutter.so" not found
        11-23 17:26:11.718: E/AndroidRuntime(19099): at io.flutter.embedding.engine.loader.FlutterLoader.lambda$ensureInitializationCompleteAsync$2(Unknown Source:44)
        11-23 17:26:11.718: E/AndroidRuntime(19099): at io.flutter.embedding.engine.loader.FlutterLoader.b(Unknown Source:0)
        11-23 17:26:11.718: E/AndroidRuntime(19099): at io.flutter.embedding.engine.loader.FlutterLoader$$b.run(Unknown Source:8)
        11-23 17:26:11.718: E/AndroidRuntime(19099): at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1145)
        11-23 17:26:11.718: E/AndroidRuntime(19099): at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:644)
        11-23 17:26:11.718: E/AndroidRuntime(19099): at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1012)
        11-23 17:26:11.718: E/AndroidRuntime(19099): Caused by: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: dlopen failed: library "libflutter.so" not found
        11-23 17:26:11.718: E/AndroidRuntime(19099): at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.report(FutureTask.java:122)
        11-23 17:26:11.718: E/AndroidRuntime(19099): at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.get(FutureTask.java:191)
        11-23 17:26:11.718: E/AndroidRuntime(19099): at io.flutter.embedding.engine.loader.FlutterLoader.lambda$ensureInitializationCompleteAsync$2(Unknown Source:2)
        11-23 17:26:11.718: E/AndroidRuntime(19099): ... 5 more
        11-23 17:26:11.718: E/AndroidRuntime(19099): Caused by: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: dlopen failed: library "libflutter.so" not found
        11-23 17:26:11.718: E/AndroidRuntime(19099): at java.lang.Runtime.loadLibrary0(Runtime.java:1082)
        11-23 17:26:11.718: E/AndroidRuntime(19099): at java.lang.Runtime.loadLibrary0(Runtime.java:1003)
        11-23 17:26:11.718: E/AndroidRuntime(19099): at java.lang.System.loadLibrary(System.java:1661)
        11-23 17:26:11.718: E/AndroidRuntime(19099): at io.flutter.embedding.engine.FlutterJNI.loadLibrary(Unknown Source:53)
        11-23 17:26:11.718: E/AndroidRuntime(19099): at io.flutter.embedding.engine.loader.FlutterLoader$1.call(SourceFile:3)
        11-23 17:26:11.718: E/AndroidRuntime(19099): at io.flutter.embedding.engine.loader.FlutterLoader$1.call(SourceFile:1)
        11-23 17:26:11.718: E/AndroidRuntime(19099): at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:264)
        11-23 17:26:11.718: E/AndroidRuntime(19099): ... 3 more
        11-23 17:26:11.867: D/audioserver(980): FGS Logger Transaction failed
        11-23 17:26:11.867: D/audioserver(980): -129
        11-23 17:26:11.863: W/ls(19876): type=1400 audit(0.0:4812): avc: denied { getattr } for path="/data_mirror" dev="tmpfs" ino=1 scontext=u:r:shell:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:mirror_data_file:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 bug=b/239484612
        11-23 17:26:11.863: W/ls(19876): type=1400 audit(0.0:4813): avc: denied { getattr } for path="/cache" dev="dm-12" ino=16 scontext=u:r:shell:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:cache_file:s0 tclass=lnk_file permissive=0 bug=b/239484612
        11-23 17:26:11.863: W/ls(19876): type=1400 audit(0.0:4814): avc: denied { getattr } for path="/linkerconfig" dev="tmpfs" ino=3 scontext=u:r:shell:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:linkerconfig_file:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 bug=b/239484612
        11-23 17:26:11.863: W/ls(19876): type=1400 audit(0.0:4815): avc: denied { getattr } for path="/init.environ.rc" dev="dm-12" ino=25 scontext=u:r:shell:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:rootfs:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 bug=b/239484612
        11-23 17:26:11.869: W/amcs_ext_file(872): update_third_party_effect_amcs_data:fail to send ioctl amcs, ret -1
        11-23 17:26:11.869: W/audio_hw(872): fail on interact with audio_amcs_ext.so -1
        11-23 17:26:11.869: D/audio_hw_waves(872): update_sink_info_from_usecases: update amcs, instance id 1, volume 198 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
        11-23 17:26:11.869: D/audio_hw_output_stream(872): update stream 1 active 0 gain 0.000000
        11-23 17:26:11.975: I/Process(19099): Sending signal. PID: 19099 SIG: 9
        11-23 17:26:12.036: W/System(19069): A resource failed to call close.
        11-23 17:26:12.135: I/ActivityManager(1270): Process com.tencent.mm (pid 19099) has died: fg TOP
        11-23 17:26:12.135: I/WindowManager(1270): WIN DEATH: Window{3182f66 u0 com.tencent.mm/com.tencent.mm.ui.LauncherUI}
        11-23 17:26:12.136: W/InputManager-JNI(1270): Input channel object '3182f66 com.tencent.mm/com.tencent.mm.ui.LauncherUI (client)' was disposed without first being removed with the input manager!
        11-23 17:26:12.136: W/libprocessgroup(708): Failed to apply NoResetUclampGrp task profile
        11-23 17:26:12.136: W/powerhal-libperfmgr(708): Failed to set NoResetUclampGrp task profile for tid:19578
        11-23 17:26:12.136: W/libprocessgroup(708): Failed to apply NoResetUclampGrp task profile
        11-23 17:26:12.136: W/powerhal-libperfmgr(708): Failed to set NoResetUclampGrp task profile for tid:19579
        11-23 17:26:12.136: W/libprocessgroup(708): Failed to apply NoResetUclampGrp task profile
        11-23 17:26:12.136: W/powerhal-libperfmgr(708): Failed to set NoResetUclampGrp task profile for tid:19559
        11-23 17:26:12.136: W/powerhal-libperfmgr(708): sched_setattr failed for thread 19578, err=3
        11-23 17:26:12.136: W/powerhal-libperfmgr(708): sched_setattr failed for thread 19579, err=3
        11-23 17:26:12.136: W/powerhal-libperfmgr(708): sched_setattr failed for thread 19559, err=3
        11-23 17:26:12.137: I/Zygote(860): Process 19099 exited due to signal 9 (Killed)
        11-23 17:26:12.137: I/ImeTracker(1270): com.tencent.mm:fdd365a6: onRequestHide at ORIGIN_SERVER_HIDE_INPUT reason HIDE_REMOVE_CLIENT
        11-23 17:26:12.137: I/ImeTracker(1270): com.tencent.mm:fdd365a6: onCancelled at PHASE_SERVER_SHOULD_HIDE
        11-23 17:26:12.139: I/libprocessgroup(1270): Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10140 pid 19099 in 1ms
        11-23 17:26:12.143: W/ActivityManager(1270): Scheduling restart of crashed service com.tencent.mm/.service.ProcessService$MMProcessService in 1000ms for connection
        11-23 17:26:12.143: W/ActivityManager(1270): Scheduling restart of crashed service com.tencent.mm/.ipcinvoker.wx_extension.service.MainProcessIPCService in 11000ms for connection
        11-23 17:26:12.144: W/ActivityTaskManager(1270): Force removing ActivityRecord{5204c7 u0 com.tencent.mm/.ui.LauncherUI t777}: app died, no saved state

        • 233328 Thanks man! Didn't know that existed!
          I tried - no luck. I did run it through Android Device Manager over USB, to see what is going on. Will post logs in reply msg below if you are interested.
          Seems like missing flutter lib, not Google services...

        • Hi

          Still kinda Graphene n00b. Really enjoying it :)

          In my Owner profile, I don't have google service installed. For my day to day use, I can get by.

          Wechat seems to work fine, however I needed to call via Wechat today - and it just kills the app.
          Wechat installed from Auroa.

          I've granted permissions for Camera, Mic, Network, Notifications, Sensors.

          I've not granted permissions for:
          Music & audio
          Nearby devices
          Photos & video
          Physical activity

          No other permissions show.

          I do kinda need to use Wechat calling from time to time.
          I guess I could try and install in my Sandbox profile with Google services, but Logging into Wechat is a PITA. Password auth never seems to work... (always have to do account recovery, SMSs delayed, etc)...
          And I suspect, like trying Signal in 2 profiles - as soon as I log into the Sandbox one, the Owner one will get killed.

          Does anyone run Wechat on Graphene?
          Does it work for making and receiving Wechat calls?
          Do I really need Google services for it? Which ones?

          Thank you guys!!

          • de0u

            The thing I'm kinda wondering about (or maybe misunderstanding) - are the services I guess.

            All the Google bits we install to make it compatible with the few apps we need... I'm sure there are service actions that come with those "apps".

            And further, I'm guessing the services have the same permissions we can set on the "app" itself (Google play services, GmsCompatConfig, Google Services Framework, Google Play store).

            Some of the apps force you to log into Google play services (like Chat GPT's app - though I decided against it).

            And for the services (and "apps") to work - you need at least certain permissions - like network, and I guess location (hmm - I see none of those have location currently...)

            So... if you use it in that manner - you are logged in, and the services are running in the background, and network and location (and whatelse) permissions are granted.... then how is this much different from a vanilla android phone? (except that you have the ability to tweak the permissions).
            I feel like the persistent G is still there...

            Am I not understanding something here? paranoid? (I have developed android apps before - I have a rough understanding...)

            Anyway - so my thinking was - if you only log into the sandbox account to use these things, and then log out properly at the end, then at least those services would terminate.


            • de0u replied to this.
            • raccoondad
              Oh! thanks for showing me that.
              I usually swap profiles from the pull-down menu...
              Are these the same?
              Or does the "end session" _kill more stuff?

              • de0u replied to this.