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Pixel 6 - Pixel Recorder app

Transcription works on Android 13, but only with English. All the other language options are gone, and when I first launch the app, it asks me to enable an app, but tapping on the settings option in the popup dialogue leads me nowhere (launches the settings app then closes it immediately). Anybody know what I'm missing? This is still an improvement over 12, where transcription didn't work, period.

    omori This worked. Thanks! For some reason languages other than English aren't showing up for me atm.

    Edit: They loaded after a while.

    Edit 2: Now transcription isn't working at all again :(
    I'll probably have to leave it as it was originally.

    Tilde Thanks for the update!

    I will keep an eye on that thread.


    sifuhall Same here, I've been using the web portal, but I hate that the only 2FA option they offer is SMS/Voice call, unless you have the app. Really wish they would offer TOTP. Hopefully we can get a fix for this from one side or the other

    Has anyone been able to activate/login to Viber on Graphene OS (Android 13)? It worked fine on Graphene OS Android 12, but I keep getting "Activation Failure" message. Viber staff says they aren't receiving any activation request for my account.

    With the new update, 2022083000, I was able to get BimmerApp working by disabling hardened Molloc in the settings.

    It now downloads the data properly instead of simply failing. I tried toggling to compare and this is the only setting making a difference.

    Will test more later.

      Gira that is the setting that will affect it as the hardening and improved security of GOS has demonstrated BimmerApp to have a latent memory corruption bug that the developer hasn't resolved, the only way to get these apps working that need this function is to disable the hardening.

      The project added the feature to ensure that people could have the option to remain no compromise and find alternate apps or for those that don't wish to or can't for whatever reason they can make the informed decision to disable it.

      GrapheneOS is for everyone™ after all ;)

      I have an issue on GOS with a few battery alert apps that tell me if I'm over a certain % of charge. I use this so that my battery stays in better health for longer.

      I have found that regardless of the app I use (BatteryBot, Battery Alarm) they refuse to start up automatically when the phone boots up. I need to manually open them before they start to alert me.

      This did not happen on stock, and understandably, on GOS (even the stable branch) I need to often reboot my phone.

      Would love to hear any workarounds to get this working as intended after a reboot. I did not find enabling more permissions helped, but maybe I missed something.

      Thank you!

        thrik that really isn't necessary: Battery Management Advice

        Official Advice: https://support.google.com/pixelphone/answer/6090612

        Realistically using the standard charger to ensure correct voltage delivery at appropriate percentage and keeping the phone away from heat sources means you don't need to worry about the 80% mark and it isn't relevant to modern devices with onboard controllers with charge bypass.

        If you wish to discard the advice then you need to ensure the apps you mentioned support direct boot:

          MetropleX Thanks, that's good to know, I've seen so much back and forth on it in the last decade that I didn't know what the right answer was.

          But I'm also curious - why would these apps start up automatically on stock but not on GrapheneOS?

            Anyone here uses Session messenger with GOS? Wonderful little app but I'm having issues with notifications

              thrik I don't know GrapheneOS doesn't make any changes to how direct boot works or change anything that should stop those apps starting. I know Orbot starts up fine for example when toggled on to start on boot.

              Must be app specific or a missed setting.

              Has anyone used Kiwix from F-Droid? The application says that it needs access to storage but that doesn't appear to be an option in the settings. It's possible that this is an issue with the app itself but then I would assume many other people would be complaining of if it was.

                Is Netguard compatible with graphene? When I enable it, all apps are kicked offline. The reason I am trying to use it is graphene doesn't seem to have a toggle for mobile data vs wifi network access and is all or none.

                • Hulk replied to this.

                  ieVai2 yes, NetGuard is compatible with GrapheneOS.

                  Hymix I also have Pixel 4a and am in Japan. I was just looking into using LINE. It looks like I will have install the Google services, which is a real bummer. Did you ever find a fix to this problem you posted about?