One thing I've realized with GrapheneOS is my need for quicker location lock than is possible with the 6a using just GPS.

I was curious to hear, for those that use UnifiedNLP, which of the many options did you opt for and was there a particular reason for your choice?

    Hi there g2oe thanks for joining our community,

    Most of those are either outdated or require services like Xposed, Magisk or MicroG. GrapheneOS does not support unifiedNLP when we have the OS redirect for location to use GNSS as well as the option to use sandboxed Play Services network location services, both of which maintain the security model.

    We aren't going to add support for an app ie MicroG which would undermine the security model by bypassing the signature enforcement for location providers in order to enable this. Network location is hard to reasonably implement in a private, secure and sustainable manner which is resistant to abuse.

    Thanks for the thoughtful answer @MetropleX, all makes perfect sense and I've decided to try going without for the moment.

    a year later

    Would it be possible to use something like ?
    It builds a database locally, basically just saying: Do I have a good GPS fix? If yes, what are the wifi networks around? Users would end up with a good database for all the locations they commonly are at pretty quickly.

    It is at present set up to use unifiedNLP, but in principle something like this doesn't need to use that. I wonder how much work it would be to fork it and integrate it into GrapheneOS?