I'm using Molly-foss no issues here
Better than Signal?
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I agree with the general “stay away from email if at all possible” approach.
Proton Mail is only okay if both parties are using it, and even then, I try to shy away.
I have friends who are real troglodytes, do not text, carry a dumb flip phone, leave it in the vehicle, because it’s for emergencies only. Too old and stubborn to change.
beammer335d I would also use molly-FOSS if it wasn't draining the battery. Signal with google services uses 3% of the battery overnight i.e. for 7h. In addition I add 2% of running google services which gives a total of 5 to 6% for 7h of sleep. Without google services Molly was using between 15 and 20% for 7h of sleep for me. I should add that this is all on LTE all the time.
Blastoidea A rigorous approach. Don't use email at all?
What are you doing with Signal that brings up a Captcha? I have been using signal since they merged the two original apps, and have not had this problem.
Nor has anyone with whom I use Signal.
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Blastoidea Signal usually required captcha when you tried signing up if your IP Address was flagged which happens when you use abused cellular networks or VPN IP's. Not all registrations needed to pass a captcha only flagged IP Addresses or Device strings.
WOW thats crazy battery drain...not having that kinda of issues here, What device are you running P6P here
Okay, I’m lost.
What is an “abused cellular network”?
Other than that, I guess I’m out.
beammer335d I use Pixel 6a.
Icecube Conversations is a very good client, only need a relook.
Upcoming facelift looking pretty sleek:
beammer335d I feel similarly. If people are not willing to put in a little, a little, effort to connect with me over something I feel comfortable using, then I guess I don't need to talk to them.
But sometimes its a bit hard with non-tech, or tech-illiterate friends.
One of them forgot their Signal PIN, and can't be bothered to reset it.
Others have issues with signal notifications. Probably due to crap OEM modified android killing it in the name of battery saving (I don't know).
Javcek if you don't give out your phone number or other revealing ID (I am well aware of restrictions GrapheneOS puts on hardware/other ID collection and it isn't airtight), you will give it out somewhere else. Unless you are extra careful. So when it comes to your app usage or web browsing, measure twice, cut once. In case that you use sandboxed Google, I recommend measuring three times :)
zkz I feel similarly. If people are not willing to put in a little, a little, effort to connect with me over something I feel comfortable using, then I guess I don't need to talk to them.
Does it work in reverse too? If the only app they're on is Viber or Messenger, would you be willing to accommodate them?
[deleted] fair point there and let"s not forget to add that as much as you try not to leak your phone number or what have you, all your acquaintances on regular devices WILL
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[deleted] Absolutely, your number might as well be public record, just based off how cavalier most people are about granting access to their address book to just about anything that asks. Best one can do is to make sure their number being out there doesn't hurt them, subject to personal threat model.
[deleted] not usually. It depends if its privacy respecting enough. Like if someone said "I only use Threema", and I felt I actually wanted to stay in contact, I probably would sign up for it. I guess it isn't really a two-way street.
Though I do have instacrap to accommodate for the friends I mentioned earlier.
I’m not sure it is equivalent, if they are using a less secure medium.