Really bad. Hopefully someone can comment if this is a known issue and will be resolved soon.

I can confirm this issue on my P6a using a second user with google service.
Is it the same with you?

Can someone from the team please comment on this issue? Thank you.

I also noticed this on a P6P. I ended up pretty much frozen when I switched back to my main profile. It did seem gesture related (i.e. I could pull down the menu to reboot, but could not swipe up/back), but I do not have any non-standard launchers.

Today's update fixed the issue for me. At least for now. There was an initial system error and then the phone rebooted. But since that everything is working without the lagging.

Appreciate the team. I'm a big advocate for GOS

  • de0u replied to this.

    Yacoma Today's update fixed the issue for me.

    Thanks for reporting back! Knowing when something is fixed helps the developers.

    muhomorr Send it to my Matrix

    It would be great if private messages and files could be shared from discuss at least with the GOS team rather than creating a matrix account and download app. Or a form added in GOS website.

    This still happens to me on very latest stable update, more so than ever before, the majority of times I switch profiles. Interestingly, it now does it on BOTH the owner and secondary profiles, and as I use multiple profiles multiple times a day, it means multiple reboots a day which is quite frustrating. Gestures don't work and unlocking takes ages. If I somehow manage to escape an app, it closes then flashes back into the foreground. On P7P 14 (UP1A.231005.007).

      What's happening for me is if I open the second profile and leave it running while I use the owner profile, all is good. But if I go back to the second profile more than once and go back to the owner profile, it starts happening again. In order to get it working again I have to restart the phone. So any more than a couple visits to the second profile I need to reboot the phone, very annoying, but better than the before.

      mortuary_jab yes I've noticed it now happening on both profiles, not just owner like before. However it only happens for me after a couple of visits to the second profile. At least I can leave it running in the background, but annoying to have to reboot after going back once or twice.

      muhomorr i sent a bug report to muhomorr's matrix and they said the issue is not being actively addressed as it cannot be replicated :(

        I'm considering a factory reset, cos this is a major issue for me and has somehow only gotten worse. I didn't want to have to use a separate phone for my necessary Google/Meta stuff, but looks like I'll be forced to

        I have the exact same issue, using two profiles and both get extremely slow and laggy. the update didn't fix anything on my phone.

        Same serious lags still occur on p7. Dev, please give advice how to help you reproducing this issue. Thanks.