YouShouldntMind Thank you for the feedback! Bummer... But confirmed what I thought would happen in my previous message with tracking deactivated. Well, again I hope the support for the 8 will not get much further delayed. I just saw that Auditor now support Pixel 8 / 8 Pro.
And I hope the project will have enough resources to also focus on more features that will make no one miss stock!
Pixel 8 dev/beta test ?
I tried it too and can confirm. The magic editor needs cloud backup. That being said I think magic editor just includes moving people in images, as well as changing the sky for the most part. You can still use best take and audio eraser with backups disabled.
When you get to needing Pixel 8 Pro testers, UPS just dropped mine off. Glad to help if I can with testing images.
redfoxjumper Thank you. Just to be sure, you are talking about Phone backup and not photos backup, right?
Because, I made a little search, and a Phone backup is actually encrypted, so I assume it is still somehow a little privacy respecting feature.
It's the photo backup. Also the phone backup isn't encrypted. If you read the text, it says only certain things are encrypted (in a e2e fashion) but it doesn't say what. So basically you should treat it as being unencrypted
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Just got my 8 Pro, will wait on the GOS to drop before I switch over to using it full time.
redfoxjumper can you put a link to read about this?
Does this mean that the Google cloud backup with regards to photos and videos will be encrypted ?
Or is it still privacy invasive?
I got my P8 yeterday. It is stil in the box and I'm waiting for the GOS release.
Few of you mentioned, that there will be difference on using some functions, which are coming with the AI... My question is: why do we want GOS? In germany we say: one death you have to die. (sorry for bad translation).. I cant get all the new shiny features and also the privacy settings... If the 1st is more importent, then Stock Android, if 2nd, then the privacy...
I used GOS on P7 and then switched back to iOS. But know, definetly Im moving to GOS for long term.
Greetings, Gor.
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maximus87 So I probably can make the Pixel more private than out of the box.
Are you going to engage with Google in any way to feed them your personal info? Then no.
If you are, they you might as well jump fully in because features like the Google search bar locked on your home screen will be a reliable reminder that you are under surveillance.
I still think it is ironic that I had to buy Google's phone to get away from them (and Apple - just as bad) the most.
ve3jlg I mean without falling into conspiracy theories, if I will not consent to the tracking, are they supposed to still do it?
The setting could be hidden by design, that´s malicious I agree, but Android and Google seem to give control over almost all aspects of Data you share. Some services will simply not work if some settings are disabled.
I still remember on the Pixel 2 where I had stock, since I disabled tracking activities and history, I couldn´t use the Assistant. Because they need to log my commands, but I didn´t give consent.
It was also confirmed for example that Magic Editor will not work if you don´t allow photos backup (which is indeed a privacy nightmare if enabled).
The cloud photo backup cannot be end to end encrypted because google can process the images server side and you can view the photos online.
Comviq If i understand you correct, you have been using gos for some years. And now you think you could use stock android on a pixel and make it private? And safe from sharing your private information?
To be honest I was getting bored with the lack of updated on GrapheneOS. There hasn't been many feature additions for some time. Stock has some very cool features like call screening, hold for me, etc.
That being said, having tried the stock P8P for a bit, I'm very tempted to just flash GOS. I was looking at the list of built in services and there must be over a hundred present which are absent on my other GOS phone. It even has stuff for verizon when I'm in a completely different country...
Comviq And safe from sharing your private information?
I've found over 10-20 toggles that are burried deep within the settings for various things which disable some of the telemetry, but ultimately there is no way to know unless you go to the effort of rooting the phone, installing a CA cert and intercepting all the traffic which I don't have time to do.
Comviq Yes and maybe. "Yes" I have been using GOS for some time and I even supported when I was an iPhone user because I love the idea and the people behind the project. "Maybe", because I am still not sure where is the line between reality and conspiracy when it comes to Google. It´s hard, I read a lot of articles, and they are mostly click baits if you understand a little how the toggles/settings work. But anyway, this is also why I discussing this topic here. A lot of people are like me and care about their privacy and could help me decide :)
It´s also like redfoxjumper mentioned, I feel left out when it comes to features. Now I know, privacy comes with draw backs and compromises. But still, I am just trying to find balance.
maximus87 Now I know, privacy comes with draw backs and compromises.
But also a lot of benefits! Aside from the obvious privacy improvements, it is extremely satisfying to boot the phone for the first time and there is nothing you have to sign in to (except WiFi), and no Terms of Service you have to agree to.
6 months ago I helped a family member set up a Samsung phone, and the sheer amount you have to do, and sign into, and agree to etc. It's overwhelming, even for me. How the fuck does regular people accept this bullshit?
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redfoxjumper Maybe you could do a small experiment? After two days of usage, you can download the account Data again and compare them to what you already have, or at least you can understand what additional Data is being tracked when you started using Stock Android.
I think that would be great to know :) !