MetropleX androidin it's possible it has a memory corruption issue. (Most likely if running on an outdated unity engine version.) You can see if this is the case by going to the games App Info panel and toggling on Exploit Protection Compatibility Mode Please report back.
androidin MetropleX Hi, thanks for the quick reply. Exploit Protection Compatibility Mode is already set. I already played around with this setting, but the starting behavior is not changed (app crashes). Is there any other debug information I can provide?
androidin treequell sure, here is the link:
[deleted] [deleted] Apologies. Regardless, game works flawlessly for me, even without exploit protection compatibility mode and google play services installed.
androidin [deleted] thanks for that information. Maybe it's ammissing access right of the play services. Could you please post your setup? Thanks for supporting.
[deleted] androidin You can try Installing Google Play as per