remove system files
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EWS The correct way to remove or replace your system apps is to compile the OS yourself without them or with replacements.
Some of the apps can't be removed without causing breakage, and if you touch them or compile an OS for yourself with any changes, you shouldn't expect troubleshooting help from GrapheneOS community because GrapheneOS warns users to not touch system apps, and if you compile an OS for yourself with any changes, then it's not GrapheneOS anymore; it's a fork of GrapheneOS.
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EWS There is no other way to remove system apps except by building the OS from source without them.
(You could use a user debug build too.)
EWS don't remove system apps just disable them. Use 3rd party replacements for your system apps to your liking. What is the problem?
EWS Becouse i dont want to use them and i dont want the posibility for them to be turned on.
You're like a driver, who has no knowledge or understanding of how the internals of a car work, removing car components because you "don't want to use them" - what's this wire? I don't need it - yank! Good luck
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Modern cars, like modern software, are full of interdependency. When a car starts up with something removed, there may errors and warnings, and sometimes will refuse to start. Components that you would think should not prevent operation, may still include critical system dependencies. You can't just go pulling out components.
System components may not be needed for their stated purpose, but there are likely to include subcomponents that others depend on.
EWS you yest proved the opposite of what you wanted to do.
Did not nor intended to prove anything, just pointed out the stupidity of your approach. Again, good luck, you need it
You can’t reboot, and you claim your phone “works perfect”?
if you can read you see that besides this it works perfect this is the problem if i dident have this problem i woulden ask the cuestion but you know this allready you yest play dumb.
Thank you guys i leave you alone now. if i have to answer the question why i dont want bluetooth screen recording gps iam talking to the wrong people.
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EWS Its NOT failing any "integrity check" because you HAVE NOT EDITED THE SYSTEM PARTITIONS (we've established this fact based on YOUR statement that you did this over ADB). All you've done is DISABLE applications from userspace.
There is a big difference between killing/disabling an application after the device has booted, and booting without certain hard requirements being met. My prior statements all stand. You cannot edit those applications out of the system partitions and expect the device to boot.
To make a very simple analogy.... if you erase the BOOT partition after the device is booted, it will continue to work normally. But it sure as hell won't reboot.