becouse i dont want to use it and i dont wont to accidentialy turn it on
remove system files
EWS disable what you can using built-in toggles. Removing system apps corrupt integrity of the OS and disrupt functionality of other apps. And as someone pointed out by trying to remove/removing essential components you will be no longer running Graphene and can no longer expect the same level functionality and most importantly support.
EWS I am not an expert, but I think your next move would be trying to restore an intact OS image. The safest path would be creating a Matrix account and getting real-time advice on the GrapheneOS channels. An alternative would be these directions:
I hope you can restore your device to operation, and hopefully without losing your data.
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EWS The correct way to remove or replace your system apps is to compile the OS yourself without them or with replacements.
Some of the apps can't be removed without causing breakage, and if you touch them or compile an OS for yourself with any changes, you shouldn't expect troubleshooting help from GrapheneOS community because GrapheneOS warns users to not touch system apps, and if you compile an OS for yourself with any changes, then it's not GrapheneOS anymore; it's a fork of GrapheneOS.
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EWS There is no other way to remove system apps except by building the OS from source without them.
(You could use a user debug build too.)
EWS don't remove system apps just disable them. Use 3rd party replacements for your system apps to your liking. What is the problem?
EWS Becouse i dont want to use them and i dont want the posibility for them to be turned on.
You're like a driver, who has no knowledge or understanding of how the internals of a car work, removing car components because you "don't want to use them" - what's this wire? I don't need it - yank! Good luck