
I removed some system files/apps on my GOS pixel 6a like nfc bluetooth camera location emergency phone sms and so on. It worked great until the phone rebooted then it couldent boot and said that data could be lost i hade to reset it to get it to start again. Is this a way to avoid this.


    EWS It sounds as if the system's integrity protection worked as it was designed to. I suspect if you built your own derived OS with appropriate package manifests etc. then it would pass its own integrity checks.

    If you do go that route, it would be important to re-badge your OS and not to refer to it as GrapheneOS. And also to configure your OS to not hassle the GrapheneOS update servers.

    Please note that I don't speak for the GrapheneOS project.

    • EWS replied to this.

      EWS It is possible you could get your system back to booting by installing an OTA image.

      • EWS likes this.

      Thanks for your answer, it was usefull. unfortunally i dont have the knowlege to build a OS iam just looking to costumise my device for my personal use

      EWS like nfc bluetooth camera location emergency phone sms and so on


      becouse i dont want to use it and i dont wont to accidentialy turn it on

        EWS disable what you can using built-in toggles. Removing system apps corrupt integrity of the OS and disrupt functionality of other apps. And as someone pointed out by trying to remove/removing essential components you will be no longer running Graphene and can no longer expect the same level functionality and most importantly support.

        EWS I removed some system files/apps

        How exactly did you remove them?

        • EWS replied to this.

          I unlocket the usb deebugging and conectet the phone to the computer and uninstalled them.

            Hi de0u!
            You seem to know some things about this so i ask you is it posible to get get this to work buy disabeling integrity protection even tho i anderstand its a good thing could it solve this isue for now?

            Best Regards

            • de0u replied to this.

              EWS I am not an expert, but I think your next move would be trying to restore an intact OS image. The safest path would be creating a Matrix account and getting real-time advice on the GrapheneOS channels. An alternative would be these directions: https://grapheneos.org/usage#updates-sideloading

              I hope you can restore your device to operation, and hopefully without losing your data.

              • EWS replied to this.

                EWS USB debugging is not enough to uninstall system applications. At best, you can DISABLE them.

                The system partition is immutable on a running system.

                • EWS replied to this.

                  That make sense. How would you say is the correct way to remove them and is it possible to do this and still be abel to reboot the phone without resetting it

                    • [deleted]

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                    EWS The correct way to remove or replace your system apps is to compile the OS yourself without them or with replacements.

                    Some of the apps can't be removed without causing breakage, and if you touch them or compile an OS for yourself with any changes, you shouldn't expect troubleshooting help from GrapheneOS community because GrapheneOS warns users to not touch system apps, and if you compile an OS for yourself with any changes, then it's not GrapheneOS anymore; it's a fork of GrapheneOS.

                      I dont expect anything Lucas, It was i question if some one dont want to answer it its fine. If it is a fork is ok for me

                        • [deleted]

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                        EWS There is no other way to remove system apps except by building the OS from source without them.
                        (You could use a user debug build too.)

                        • EWS replied to this.
                          • [deleted]

                          EWS don't remove system apps just disable them. Use 3rd party replacements for your system apps to your liking. What is the problem?

                            • [deleted]

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                            [deleted] Some of the apps that he wants to disable can't be disabled without causing breakage.

                            @EWS why do you want to uninstall those apps in the first place, though?