dc32f0cfe84def651e0e official Google Cam app is working. Why do you need a GCam unnofficial app?
dc32f0cfe84def651e0e official Google Cam app is working. Why do you need a GCam unnofficial app?
[deleted] I don't know, that's why I asked :) Will take the latest one from the Aurora store then.
Thank you!
Does this mean I can delete GCam Services Provider once the update hits the stable channel?
@Themble @[deleted] Just to reiterate what's already been said on the auto reboot 72 hour default value. Auto reboot only kicks in after the phone has not been successfully unlocked for the set amount of time. In practice, almost nobody is going to leave their phone locked for 3 days straight without ever unlocking it once. If you somehow only check your phone only every 4 days, you can adjust the auto reboot timer or turn it off completely.
So, while this will realistically affect almost no one's regular usage, it will be very useful for putting all of your data back at rest to protect it in cases where your phone is stolen/seized or anything like that. It is actually a significant security improvement to the defaults of the OS.
Nice work!
If we already set a shorter window for the reboot time (under 3-days) ... will this update respect the prior setting? ... or will it overwrite to 72-hours?
Graph_Curious It should respect it. it should only default to 72 hours if you've never explicitly touched the setting before.
Dumb question - I rotate devices very often, changing out my sim. So I guess I need to disable this feature? I have not got the OS update yet but when I do, where in settings is this feature?
brookie229 Settings > Security.
Though, may I ask why you would want to remove it? If the device is not in action, what does it matter if it's in a rebooted state where your data is at rest?
brookie229 If you rotate devices often, I suppose that you turn them off to save energy and respect the environment. So that should present no problem.
Thanks - my bad. I neglected to understand the feature and reacted to quickly before reading. Have not had my coffee yet this morning!
When will be the monthly sec. patch available? Usually it's on the 1st Monday of the month, but since it was delayed on the previous month, maybe it will be delayed again. Any info?
Regarding to this new added feature:
Dialer: add modernized call recording implementation using modern Android storage (no files permission) and with unnecessary cruft removed including not locking availability or playing a recording tone based on region (users are responsible for respecting regional laws including informing the other party or obtaining explicit consent if required)
Aren't the audio files playable from the calls history?
Just got it.
For giggles, I set auto reboot to 12 hrs, to see if it’s too big a pain in the hoohoo.
[deleted] They're saved as files in Recordings/CallRecordings which you can access via your files app.
I haven’t gotten the update/patch yet. 7 Pro
Blastoidea It's not included in this update. When the monthly patches are out, GrapheneOS will release an update with those, as always.
I don't think it's released. I'm talking about Pixel security patches by Google.
Yet another thing I really, really like about GrapheneOS.
Someone really is/are on the ball.
Just got the update via Stable channel. Yuhoo!
Still the eSIM management is greyed out and does requires Goolag Play.