dirksche Eirikr70 The widget of Geometric Weathwr only works with location on. In my case its switched off all the time. But I found WeaWow. No tracking, location service not needed and the widgets are fine. Thanks for your suggestions.
dirksche [deleted] I really like the widgets of this app. But unfortunatly too much Tracker included.
Eirikr70 dirksche You can set up Geometric Weather without location on. But you have found what you were looking for.
dirksche Eirikr70 I did try, but the widget offers me always a strange setted location. Whatever, I found my favorit
SingoEdan Feel lucky to find alternative forecast weather app like Prognoza, already install the apps. Simple and elegant
CyberOtter Geometric Weather isn't maintained any more since 2021. Luckly, there is an actively maintained fork with many added features: Breezy Weather