Does anyone know whether it is possible to install Vanadium on a non-GrapheneOS system? Or is there a decent fork of it?
Brave vs Vanadium
Not possible yet but apparently GOS have plans to do so eventually.
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Brave is the most modified because of all the crypto revenue stuff. Bromite is basically hardened and tweaked Ungoogled Chromium + ad-blocking + anti-fingerprinting. I'd stick with Vanadium if security is more important to you than anti-fingerprinting features and anti-ad features. Otherwise I'd use Uazo's builds of Bromite. I don't like Brave.
I don't like Brave all that much either but it has in my mind at least one killer feature that Vanadium hasn't. The option to delete all content (history, cookies, etc.) when you close the app.
I really wish Vanadium had that feature.
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I don't even know why bromite is mentioned, it is only in version 108! This is a joke
They have been lagging behind since last December.
I was using it, but upon reflection, and reading posts here, I dumped it and went back to Vanadium.
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Some users are on the "unofficial" versions of one of the developers ( ), who is still working on it and are up to date.
(Just to clarify, this is not my recommendation)
About fingerprint Brave would be interesting keeping its settings to the default value, and if it grow much more.
Probably Vanadium have a better compatibility with more websites because no add filters.
matchboxbananasynergy There is somewhere a review checking if Brave still send unwanted data, user ID or anything when telemetry is disabled ?
The Brave search engine could be trusted ?
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i wondering, why is vanadium not mentioned in
Blastoidea a few people not from the GOS project have said here that you should use chrome to blend in, but given the feedback I understand that they have deleted their accounts. it's too bad. there are not many ways to make something understood. if you want to gain privacy, it's simple: it depends on what you do with it. you can have a very private life on chrome.
yourmother Maybe because it's only available on GrapheneOS?
Hi guys,
interesting topic and discussion here, which got me curious, so I've made some tests. Please see my blog post for the results in case you're interested, it's all a bit long to post it here as a newbie I think...
And to the GrapheneOS team: thanks for your wonderful work!
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wjl thanks for taking the time to do some testing. Are you sure you want to share your IP and location that publicly? I don't know your threat model, but redacting IP and location wouldn't change the points you want to get across, so I assume it's unnecessary and potentially harmful data to share.
Edit: Unrelated, but you should check if your German website needs a site notice (German "Impressum"). I wanted to see if the location data you shared are consistent with your notice address, but didn't find any. Would be annoying if a greedy lawyer wanted to cash in on your hobby.
N1b Thanks for your concern. I use GMX as an email provider sometimes, so my/our IP is in those mail headers as well. That IP doesn't resolve very well via or even maxmind (mostly), so no worries. And even if that was all public, it's the same with about every company or privateer in the world... I guess the triangulation of LTE or 5G is more of a problem, so I'm grateful for such wonderful things like GOS...
Themble I'm also interested in this...
Also, it would be a good thing to test Brave on mobile as well.
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Themble - sorry, my fault, and you are absolutely right. I have updated my blog post over at - please see the updated part at the bottom.
ivicaivica - I have made a test with Brave on mobile as well while I was away, and after my new and additional tests with Vanadium I did another one with Brave and the same setting which I had in Vanadium. Please also see my updated blog post, link above.
Sorry for (my own) intial confusion - hope I could clear this up a bit by now.
wjl You should not be using a Pixel 3a anymore. It's a highly insecure end-of-life device not supported by GrapheneOS anymore. You shouldn't present it as if you're using official GrapheneOS anymore.