AddyAndy there could be a problem with your USB-C headphone jack adaptor.

I'd recommend buying one from Google or Apple. They are the most reliable.

    treequell I purchased the official USB-C to Aux adapter from Apple, but I can try purchasing a new one. Thanks 👍

      treequell I bought it from Amazon 😪
      I heard that there are some quality control issues when purchasing official apple products from Amazon. We'll see 🤷

      5 days later

      I just purchased a new adapter from the Google store itself, and the problem still persists. I'll try with different earbuds too.

      The problem persists with different branded earbuds. This wasn't a problem on stock pixel OS, because I only used my earbuds before I flashed graphene onto my device. So it's definitely a problem with graphene os, or my configuration.

      So it's a problem with my configuration. I don't understand what I did, but when I accessed it from a guest account, everything worked.

        • [deleted]

        AddyAndy Hi. Is this caused by playing music from any particular app, have you made sure you allowed it background running? Does the problem occur with device locked playing through the speaker also?

          pdagenius No I haven't, but I've narrowed it down to a problem with the lock screen.

          [deleted] Hello, I've tested it on multiple media players, both online and offline. The one I'm using now was set to optimised, but I just changed it to unrestricted and I'm gonna test that. The problem only occurs when connected any wired speaker. And only if you have a password set. When the sound cuts out, you can navigate the phone for like 5 minuets before it freezes. But you can freeze it if you unplug the device. I've tested it on a guest account (without a password) and it worked perfectly fine, so I think I messed something up.