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So in this thread we talked about lengthy passwords.
I believe & also someone else commented too about how troublesome it would be to have to remember & to enter that lengthy 90 to 128 bit passphrase every single time one logs in. Here is an idea I've had for a long time, which is to create an encrypted peripheral login shell GUI, that you log into, which uses like a one character or even five character passphrase. Then the 2nd later that you log into, has countless files, of random code, many gigabytes of it, maybe some decoy pdfs also, or txt files or jpg photos, program files,etc.
And you either use a file itself, drag & drop it into the real 90 to 128 bit password box, use the file itself as the passphrase or key, or alternatively you search in this random code files for a searchphrase, like "swordfish7", then that will bring you to a section buried in these millions of lines of random code/gigabytes, & right after that word swordfish7, indented & easily selectable/copy pastable, is a 90 to 128 bit passphrase, and it looks just like the millions of code surrounding it. Its not hiding a needle in a haystack, its hiding a needle in a stack of other needles. This is by far the best way to store passwords I believe, that I know of, but I am not nearly as trained or experienced as any of the experts commenting here.
I also think fingerprint recognition is a bad idea, as this method is particularly vulnerable to some government's legal right to force/order/compel you to provide your fingerprint to unlock, or a non government adversary may use your fingerprint by force. Whereas a password can be forgotten(plausibly deniability), or it can be considered violating The Fifth Amendment right to protection from being compelled to incriminate oneself. The different courts across the US have disagreed with each other about this, but its much better than a fingerprint. The only thing better is plausible deniability with a hidden/decoy LUKS or veracrypted OS, or linux based phone can provide?
Or maybe grapheneOS's decoy profiles offer plausible deniability? is there a way to hide the Owner/real profile? and only show the decoy profile?