Hello! While I'm aware the primary purpose of GrapheneOs for many folks is to indeed to remove google services from the phone, there is one particular service I'm okay with using for convience - Call Screening.

I have ensured the Google Phone App, Assistant, Android System Intelligence, and Google Play Services have the appropriate permissions, and the Phone app does say the call screening feature is enabled. Unfortunately the bot and scam calls that keep me from using my phone for doctors appointments and work calls still offer no option to screen the calls.

What combination of permissions and software do I need to fan-dangle with to enable this feature properly?

    treequell The United States does indeed have such a register, but it's toothless and incredibly ineffective.

    While the phone dialer is effective at recognizing spam calls, they still come through and I receive no option to screen the call regardless of what the Google Phone app settings say.

      The ability to only ring for known contacts would be nice as well, don't see how to do that on Graphene but I may be missing it.

        Kottonballs The ability to only ring for known contacts would be nice as well

        That can be done with another dialer app. Simple Dialer or ACRPhone to name two.

        Call Screening is a bit beyond the scope of an app, but rather a service that must sit in between the carrier and the phone. Not sure of any app that can do that.

        Our fearless politicians bravely exempted themselves from our version, so as to be sure that we get their spam.

        I've tried enabling Call Screening to no avail. Even after installing bunch of dependencies including Assistant, Intelligence Service, Speech Service, etc - nothing helped. I would love to hear from anyone able to get it to work

          • [deleted]

          I am using a very effective call screening service. It's called voicemail. Instead of blocking unknown numbers or numbers not in contacts, everyone is warned that their call won't be answered and that they have an option to leave a message or be completely ignored :)


            There is a thing called phone tag that many people would like to avoid. It's common when dealing with businesses that aren't going to be coming from previously known numbers. Especially annoying if you have to call someone back but can't call directly and must go through a transfer/wait.

            I know, I know... you could just advise all GrapheneOS users to just not interact with the world, lest they bend to your will.
            @ConflagratedK9, like so many OP's, did not ask to be debated on the merits of Call Screening assistant apps.

            ConflagratedK9 I have ensured the Google Phone App, Assistant, Android System Intelligence

            f13a-6c3a Even after installing bunch of dependencies including Assistant, Intelligence Service,

            It should be noted that Android System Intelligence requires the preinstalled permission flag, aka it needs to be registered as a stock app in the ROM. Otherwise much (all?) of its core functionality doesn't work.

              8 months later

              Some mobile service providers offer filtering for robocalls. T-Mobile's service is Scam Shield, and can be activated/deactivated with short codes (#662#/#632#).

              5 days later

              Recently, I lost the option to enable this is the google phone app. It was there from the beginning. It's pretty annoying.

              2 months later

              I have "enabled" it successfully in a dedicated profile. I can see the option to configure it and also downloaded the required language packs for speech recognition. Everything shows up fine, however, when I do receive a call, it is always routed to the default GrapheneOS phone app and not to the google phone app.

              I have set the Google phone app as standard in this profile, but it doesn't change anything. I have then stopped and disabled the GOS default app. When I then receive a call, no app pops up and I only get a notification about a missed call.

              So I suspect that the phone call is always routed to the GOS phone app in each profile and you need to set everything up in your main profile. This is however someething I don't want to do, as I want to keep it empty and only use less-privileged user profiles.


                As this is a test profile, I pretty much installed all kinds of Google Software to get this to work. I still need to narrow it down, what is actually required and what not.

                Installed apps:

                • Google Assistant
                • Google Contacts
                • Google One
                • Google Phone App
                • Google Voice
                • Google Voice Search
                • Google Playstore/SFW

                Settings -> Apps -> Default Apps:

                • Call redirection app: Google Voice
                • Caller ID & spam app: Google Phone
                • Digital Assistent app: Google
                • Phone app: Google Phone

                Other settings:

                • In the settings of the Digital Assistant App, I have downloaded the required "Offline speech recognition" languages
                • In the settings of the Google Phone App, I have downloaded the required "Offline speech recognition" languages.
                • In the Google settings I have enabled pretty much everything (Voice and Google Assistant)


                I have pretty much given all permissions to all of the google apps including disabling of hardening (memory, etc).

                As said, this is only for testing and I still need to narrow down to figure out what is minimal required to get this to work. However, I still need to figure out how to get the phone calls routed to the google phone app, instead of the default one.

                • nkm replied to this.

                  pgraph I have "enabled" it successfully in a dedicated profile.

                  What have you enabled, and in what way is it successful, is you are not able to get calls to go to the Google Dialer app?

                  For the record, I have been using Google's phone app as default without issue simply by setting it at Settings > Apps > Default apps > Phone app