Does GrapheneOS support encrypted USB drives or, even better, encrypted partitions on USB drives?

For example, if I wanted to have a single USB thumb drive with a "scratch" partition (maybe to export baby-goat pictures to friends, whatever) plus also an encrypted partition (maybe to transfer my Contacts from one GrapheneOS device to another), is that possible? On macOS there is FileVault, Linux has LUKS, FreeBSD has gdbe and geli, etc.

    I use an app called EDS Lite to interact with Veracrypt containers - perhaps this app will suit you.

    • de0u replied to this.

      spiral I appreciate the pointer to EDS Lite, which advertises support for LUKS. That looks attractive, because I could exchange files with a non-GrapheneOS system, e.g., Ubuntu. I plan to give it a try. Thanks!

      evalda Thanks! In this case I am looking for a non-cloud solution, at least for the moment.

        de0u Yes, Cryptomator doesn't have to be used with cloud storage. You store encrypted files on USB drive in this scenario, no cloud is involved at all.

          evalda Thanks for correcting my misimpression. So I have two options I can pursue, which is better than one.

            de0u EDS Lite is kind of like VeraCrypt - all files are stored in a single encrypted container. On the other hand, Cryptomator is storing each original file in its own encrypted file, this works well for the cloud but with USB drive storage could be a pro or con, depending on your workflow.

            EDS Lite is no longer maintained which is significant downside, while Cryptomator is actively maintained.

            There is a third option DroidFS which is kind of like Crypromator but implements gocryptfs approach.

            In practice, they all are probably fine to use, try and see which one you like more.