Yo all,
I got a new Pixel7 5 days ago and immedeately put GOS on it. It all was nice and dandy until i realized the abysmal battery life on this phone. It drains 2% in standby without any interaction or significant applications running (WhatsApp and PlayStore). I was floored by this experience - I could watch the battery dwindle 1% per half-hour on stand-by and even more so in on-screen time. This would be by far the worst battery life that I have ever experienced in any phone i possesed over the last 20 years, including a galaxy note 4 with a 3 year old battery, and a 6 years old iPhone SE, both of which I have still laying around.
Since I could not believe what my eyes told me, I reset GrapheneOS to factory defaults - because surely there was some rogue process left from installing/reinstalling/deinstalling/testing apps. Except there was not. With nothing more than WhatsApp and PlayStore running, the phone went down 15% overnight (7h) without having any calls or messages coming in. This is - to put it mildly - disheartening.
So I started to do some research - and here is what I found: The phone itself comes with a 4355mAh battery. According to notebookcheck.com the phone pulls about 0.32 Watts on Standby (link below). I could not find a Voltage rating for the Pixel 7 battery so I assumed the 3.85V of my 3220mAh Li-ion Note4 battery. Now, this leads to a calculation of 16.77Wh of battery capacity. 16.77Wh divided by .32W results in 52.4h. So pretty much around the 2% every hour mark. Unbelievable.
I still find all this hard to believe since, once again, I have never had any phone perform this bad. What is more is that, on average, a li-ion battery is said to last 300-500 charge cycles before it is considered worn out. That would render this phone inpractical to use in little more than one year with normal use.
Can anybody confirm (or better yet debunk) these numbers? There must be people with better battery life on their p7s out there..... right?
Battery capacity: https://store.google.com/product/pixel_7_specs
Battery drain: https://www.notebookcheck.com/Test-Google-Pixel-7-Kleineres-Google-Smartphone-ohne-grosse-Kompromisse.663827.0.html
Calculation: https://www.rapidtables.com/calc/electric/mah-to-wh-calculator.html