I need a new phone so have started looking into degoogled phones
I would still like ideally to be able to use Australian banking apps, Spotify, google maps - or equivalent, facebook/facebook messanger, instagram, garmin connect for my watch etc.
I've contacted one supplier of degoolged phones and they have told me I can do that but would be a waste of money as those apps would still be tracking me etc. I guess these apps get a lot of permission/access to your phone's data or can you block some of this on Graphene?
I see a lot of people still using these apps etc. so is there a way around this, or are they oblivious to the tracking still and think Graphene OS somehow protects them?
What is the cost of privacy? how much of the connivence of a regular phone do you have to give up for privacy? I think I have blocked google on from recording my voice on my current phone, e.g. android auto voice prompts don't work which I can live with, but ideally I would want some good maps to work via my phone on my car stereo for example