03046512336612478855 Why are Signal and Proton are on the list?
Why not? Adding more services to the list, even though the public data they they are able to scrape from them is very limited, clearly can benefit sales. Air makes the list look longer ------> ignorant, potential customers who look at it feel more impressed ("oh wow, so many services!") -----> the company earns more money (from selling air)
03046512336612478855 Signal and Proton advertise as NON-public platforms for user data.
Implies that ShadowDragon is reaching beyond just the "open source" in OSINT, scraping services that should have technical safeguards against scraping.
No it doesn't imply that. It makes the list look more impressive the more names are on it. That's what it implies. The article clearly states that the tool scrapes publicly available data. There's nothing in the article about breaking encryption or accessing non-public data.