The people who are getting worked up about the possible detrimental effects this kind of "reaction" posts can have to
the image of GrapheneOS: well yes the ones responding will get tired and yes they can spend their time in better ways.
But guess why they are the ones who have to write these responses time and again for all the misinformation going on?
It is because we, the peanut gallery aren't doing anything ourselves except wring our hands when the team actually posts a rebuttal.
"Daniel Daniel - Legal action, your health... yada-yada" is not helping anyone. Certainly not him.
It has been our experience that leaving people to spread their misinformation doesn't help. If Mr. Braxman is seen
as having the last word in any public space of discourse(or rather that cesspool called X) then your imagined gains
in mental health and developer productivity actually don't exist. It means just more people consume their discourse
and move on. Or worse bring those same talking points to our various community media. People like you who already
probably are using GrapheneOS are different from those who aren't. Hell, I can't really tell whether i would have fallen for
Mr. Braxmans lies years back. It is easy to forget our own naivety and imagine everyone knows the best. It is also easy to
be complacent and forget that Mr. Braxman still posts video 'cause[drum rolls....]
people still consume them.
He has 560k subscribers, upwards of 30k views on his latest videos. That's more views than subscribers to the very sober, professional YouTube channel Side Of Burritos run by a friend of GrapheneOS.
That is an awful lot of impact for someone like Mr. Braxman.
If you really want the project to stop posting these, then I suggest to those of you who can do your due diligence
and take them misinformation posts apart in your own time. It does not help when the man has to do all these posts and
we watch and patronizingly give him advise on the problem while not doing much.