I realize that on a new fresh install (setup about 4-5 days ago) it can take a few days at least for everything to settle in but the battery I feel has been exceptionally horrible on graphene OS (latest update updated yesterday). Not trashing the OS as I want to stick with it, but just can't sort out what is happening. I went to bed at 10pm with 82% battery and woke up at 4am with the phone off the charger and it is at 55%. I went through this morning, around 9am (19 hours ago) and set pretty much all my apps battery optimization to restricted, unless I felt it should be unrestricted (set to optimized). I cleared cache on apps and removed what I felt were unneeded permissions.

Not sure if this is okay, I couldn't see where or how to attach a photo, so here are links. If this is in violation of anything, please let me know.



I'd really rather not have to factory reset, but just looking for ideas or suggestions to this matter, maybe I just need to give it more time or there is something eating up my battery. Any advice or help would be much appreciated. Thank you

Find a CPU monitoring application and make sure that the CPU is going into "deep sleep" for most of the time.

You should also think about what kind of mobile network it is connecting to. I understand that 5G mobile networks may, with some carriers, cause out of control battery drain. Try switching it to "LTE Only" and see how battery life is impacted.

Your 4AM picture is showing CPU and WAKELOCK. I bet its not going into deep sleep ever. Something is holding a wakelock that is keeping the phone alive rather than letting it go to sleep.


    I will look into what is preventing the CPU from deep sleep. I am wifi 99% of the time as I work from home full time. For reference, on stock I was getting 1-1.5 days on battery. But that was stock. I will take a look and report back what I find, thank you.

    • abcZ replied to this.

      ozzmanj1 Being on wifi doesn't mean that the mobile network disconnects, unless you put it in airplane mode. So it can still use power while maintaining that unused connection.

      Generally speaking, GrapheneOS should be substantially BETTER than google on battery. Their closed source blobs are nasty with power consumption.


        Yeah, I have a nephew who has been praising Graphene OS, and him and I are like minded to go more private oriented then the rest of my family. And he has been telling me how stupidly awesome his battery life is.

        That being said, I just rebooted the phone after not finding out exactly what was causing the wakelock and noticed that now my device states (at is current usage) 14 hours left on usage (which is still not as what stock was). I was running Accubattery prior to the reboot, never had any issues with deep sleep with that, but uninstalled it anyways.

        Forgot to mention, I do run orbot (not on vpn mode) and nordvpn together. But will still test some more and report back. I really do appreciate your time and feedback with my issue, thank you.

        • abcZ replied to this.

          ozzmanj1 A good way to test for what's causing the problem is to start off with a factory reset and then gradually add different software until you find what is causing the trouble.


            Sounds good, if battery does not improve by this weekend, I will factory reset and re-apply each app individually.

            • Off hand, is there a GrapheneOS forum app (like how XDA has an app to you), just curious.

            Thank you

            Have you checked the battery draining apps in the dedicated settings menu ?


              I did, it was showing CPU as taking up upwards of 16% battery usage when the phone was sitting next to my bed at night. I think I may have found the issue, but am still going to give it a couple more days to verify. Will report back, just in case.

              6 days later

              Okay, so update. I have gone in and restricted pretty much any and all apps that I did not feel needed to be optimized, cleaned up permissions to what I felt was needed. I read on another site with Graphene that using googles Device Health (battery manager) helped improve the phones Idle battery use. I have gone in and done all sorts of things and honestly I am not sure if its getting, it almost feels like it is getting worse. As I cannot attach a photo, here are links to the batter life while I was asleep.

              Last night, went to bed, battery at 78%


              This morning, 61%


              Should I factory reset? I am consistently seeing Phone Idle taken up a lot of battery as well as System CPU ( I have tried various wakelock apps to determine what may be causing this to no avail. Could this be because of sandboxed Google stuff (play services, framework and store)?

              I would really rather not factory unless I absolutely have to. Any assistance or guidance is greatly appreciated, thank you in advance.

                Have you disabled 5g?

                ozzmanj1 I don't have much in the way of solutions unfortunately. It's entirely possible you've got yourself a lemon, and either the battery health is poor, or some hardware component could be drawing excess power; there are many possible factors and I really don't know.

                I really just wanted to say that I don't do any additional tweaking of battery optimization other than setting some apps to unrestricted, and I am not seeing anywhere near the idle battery discharge that you are. I have several apps running as background services (VPN, K9 mail, Signal, etc.) and if I don't use my phone much during the day, my battery will still have about 80% capacity remaining when I go to bed.

                In case it matters, my carrier is LTE-only.

                I should have mentioned, I have used Accubattery in the past and it reads (still as of last week) that my battery is 5011mah and healthy. When I was on stock, I would get upwards of 6-8 hours screen on time. Perhaps later this week when I have time, I will factory reset and reflash GrapheneOS and see how it goes. But I know my battery is not the issue.

                  ozzmanj1 I will factory reset and reflash GrapheneOS and see how it goes.

                  A lot off people complain about battery drain with GOS by comparing with their old phone. I don't think you will see a real difference.

                  Have you tried turning off the mobile data despite the phone being connected to WiFi?

                  For me that makes difference. I even went and switched off "Mobile data always active" using Developer options. I think this is similar to the "Adaptive Connection" of the stock OS which I can't find in GOS settings.

                    Hi, in my case I had extreme battery drain when I disabled "Enable native code debugging" in the Security Settings.
                    Some apps stopped working and maybe this was the reason.
                    Science I reenabled code debugging I have great battery experiences.
                    May give it a try...

                      6 days later

                      Oggyo apologies on late repy. I did do this. Still did not change anything. After a fresh install a week ago, I had good battery for about 3 days then it went to garbage again. Last night I went to bed and had 78%, woke up to 32%. System CPU was eating up around 22-24% overnight.

                        t_lo This is enabled and I have never touched it. But yeah, battery drain has been pretty sporadic. Last night my phone dropped about 40-45% overnight while I was asleep. System CPU was eating up about 20-25% overnight, with no idea why or what it could be.