Okay, so update. I have gone in and restricted pretty much any and all apps that I did not feel needed to be optimized, cleaned up permissions to what I felt was needed. I read on another site with Graphene that using googles Device Health (battery manager) helped improve the phones Idle battery use. I have gone in and done all sorts of things and honestly I am not sure if its getting, it almost feels like it is getting worse. As I cannot attach a photo, here are links to the batter life while I was asleep.
Last night, went to bed, battery at 78%
This morning, 61%
Should I factory reset? I am consistently seeing Phone Idle taken up a lot of battery as well as System CPU ( I have tried various wakelock apps to determine what may be causing this to no avail. Could this be because of sandboxed Google stuff (play services, framework and store)?
I would really rather not factory unless I absolutely have to. Any assistance or guidance is greatly appreciated, thank you in advance.