If I'm not mistaken, grant Storage Scopes is only necessary if an app asks for storage access (normally during setup process or first time necissity to access storage) or if you already have allowed it in the past ("ask every time" also counts as "allowed") and now you want to reverse that decision.
To find out if an app has this permission to access storage you can check the permission of the app in question via
App Info>App permissions> "Photos and videos" or "Files".
If neither "Files" nor "Photos and videos" appear under the described app permissions and you have already used it without problems, the app does not seem to need these permissions - therfore there would be no need to set up Storage Scopes.
If storage permissions were allowed, you can reverse this decision and set up Storage Scopes as described above.
By the way: If you have activated Storage Scopes, another menu item named "Storage Scopes" will appear in "App Info" directly under "Permissions".
Via App Info> Storage Scopes you can then directly add or remove images, files or folders to which the app should have access.