I don't know about you but notes are important for me. And i belive for a lot of people.
Is it possible for gos developers to add notes app to gos official app store.
Offline notes would be great and safe.
Instead we must trust third party developers.

    Been using this one for years. Good balance between features and simplicity, in my view. Not actively developed, so it's not gonna get cluttered with features and new bugs. You can turn off network permission so I think it's ok.

    user539 yes, interesting about 3 or 4 of us all today independently started asking about notes. Must be the moon...

    Notes apps are soo different

    I prefer one that is simple as in "follows standards, usable everywhere": Markor

    It creates text in folders that you can sync normally


    +1 on BeauTyXT. I love how well made and broadly compatible it is. Very simple too.

    As @missing-root suggested Markor is another really good one. Actually used it in the past before switching to mainly only using BeauTyXT.

    quillpad is another fantastic option in my opinion too.

    Note that the GrapheneOS team will likely not make a big list of recommended apps.

    If your priorities are high and people trust you, you would need to know and trust the developer, and still have audited the code.

    I use uNote. Very simple and minimal.

    I know all options but something from gos team would be great. As noted are crucial for most people

    I got BeauTyXT as text editor e. g. when I need a password from PC 1 to PC2 to deliver via textfile.
    For Notes I got Notally .
    Ente Notes or some other named app has the additional feature to add pdfs etc.

    I went from Another Notes to https://f-droid.org/en/packages/io.github.quillpad/
    It's still being developed and has a slightly better UX imho, although I miss that checked list items don't jump to their original position when unchecked, like in Another Notes.
    I don't use the Nextcloud sync (yet).

    Notally is enough for me. Tiny, simple, no bloat, can export.

    • TGOS replied to this.

      ivicaivica tried Notesnook yesterday and immediately switched over.
      Much more features and offline usable.

      I use notesnook, standard notes and notally x ..... I think i will change completly to notesnook.

      I don't get that. Am I the only one who thinks the Notesnook UI is messy, convoluted and counterintuitive?

      Plus, I wonder what the Notesnook tried to perform DCL via memory entails for Notesnook exactly.

        SovereignCopper Am I the only one who thinks the Notesnook UI is messy, convoluted and counterintuitive?

        Maybe. The UI pretty much looks exactly like NotallyX. Layout-wise. The scrollable tool bar is actually neat imo.

        DCL via memory could mean a bunch of things. It's still in very active development, so I guess they still need to iron out a few things.